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    25 January 2014, Volume 34 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Issue in Focus: Transcultural Studies
    To Write back is to Write for: The Intellectual Trap in the Critique of Western Centralism
    Zhou Ning
    2014, 34 (1):  6-15. 
    Abstract ( 1030 )   PDF (9438KB) ( 275 )  
    The academic discourse of writing back to Western Centralism implicates a paradox. The paradox lies in the fact that the act of "writing back" actually constructs and reconstructs the discourse of Western Centralism it sets out to deconstruct. The paradox shows in two aspects of knowledge and value. When knowledge is concerned, the logic is that the more the West learns from and is influenced by the East the more advantaged the West is proved to be as the West is positioned and reinforced to be the master of the West. When value is concerned, the more the West acknowledges its cultural advantage of the East and practices self-criticism the more its consciousness of subjectivity is consolidated through its openness, modesty and tolerance. In such a Western-Centered reality, "writing back" to Western Centralism is actually a double-functioned cultural artifice, during which "writing back" turns into "writing for." By taking the example of Lach and Van Kley's Asia in the Making of Europe, the paper does not try to trace the motivation behind the cultural artifice of "writing back" but to investiage its function and results. The paper hopes to expose the dialectic structure and the extreme power of Western Centralism.
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    Cultural Study by Taking Image as Methodology
    Li Yong
    2014, 34 (1):  16-22. 
    Abstract ( 1340 )   PDF (6126KB) ( 211 )  
    The essential difference between the study of images that takes images as the object and the study of images that takes images as the methodology lies in that the latter takes the formation and cultural context of images as its research focus. The image-as-methodology approach defines images as the collective cultural imagination about the Other, and this approach, by studying the images about the Other, examines the cultural dilemma behind the imagining Subject and searches for ways to resolve the deep contradictions in the Subject's self-identity, cultural value, and cultural strategy. This approach adopts three strategies by different ways of thinking: firstly, to read images by way of perceptual thinking; secondly, to examine the cultural dilemma behind the images by way of dialectical thinking; and thirdly, to look for ways to defuse the cultural dilemma by way of grand thinking. The image-as-methodology approach attempts an approach that is open while rooted in reality.
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    Antimonies in Transcultural Studies of Representation
    Lin Xi
    2014, 34 (1):  23-29. 
    Abstract ( 988 )   PDF (6509KB) ( 346 )  
    The paper begins with a summary of the four propositions in Zhou Ning's transcultural studies of imagology, and in the spirit of Kantian dialectics proposes four counter propositions. The paper proceeds to demonstrate the approaches to prove both the propositions and counter-propositions. The four pairs of antimonies may lead us into investigating how in the post-metaphysical age a constructive breakthrough of approach may be realized in transcultural studies of imagology.
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    Studies in Western Literary Theory
    Speech Act and the Fiction in Literature
    Ma Dakang
    2014, 34 (1):  30-44. 
    Abstract ( 1083 )   PDF (13772KB) ( 251 )  
    Fiction in literature is the fiction in the sense of utterance performativity instead of that in the sense of representation. Authorized by cultural conventions, literature pronounces the construction of a fictional world as its primary action, and it exploits various strategies to highlight the constructive nature of utterance performativity and the illocutionary force of utterance. Thus, a new mode of intentional relationship can be constructed between people and utterance as the relationship of intersubjectivity, in which all the potentialities in people, utterances and words are summoned into the activities for constructing a fictional world. The paper concludes that, on the basis of this definition of literary fiction, more reasonable explanations may be found to some fundamental theoretical issues such as the difference between literary discourse and historical discourse, the relationship between the autonomy and the social critique of literature, and the power working in literary activities.
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    On the Representative Narration of Literary History
    Qiao Guoqiang
    2014, 34 (1):  45-52. 
    Abstract ( 958 )   PDF (7189KB) ( 224 )  
    The concept of "historical representation" F. R. Ankersmit advances is wide spread and quite influential in the trend of narrative turn, which, to some degree, can be compared with New Historicism. However, reflected from the perspective of historical narratology, Ankersmit's concept appears to be somewhat idealistic, particularly in terms of the writing of literary history. This article appropriates Ankersmit's concept of "representation," extending it to the field of literary history, and proposes a concept of "representative narration" that associates with but differs from Ankersmit's "historical representation." The author hopes that the concept of "representative narration" could provide the interpretation and writing of literary history with both a new theoretical vista and a new operable theoretical path.
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    Literature as Event: On Eagleton from After Theory to The Event of Literature
    Tang Yonghua
    2014, 34 (1):  53-61. 
    Abstract ( 1482 )   PDF (8161KB) ( 193 )  
    Terry Eagleton argues that literary works are unities of structures and events, facts and actions. Literary tradition as a whole is both oppositional to and interwoven with the extrinsic social history, which is not merely a reflection from the given realities and literary works but the presence of literary works in the world when they present themselves as events. The interpretation of literary works should target at events and the specific strategies by which the works present themselves instead of targeting at "objects" and "essences." Eagleton proposes that critics should get rid of the dichotomy between essentialism and anti-essentialism so as to reflect on some fundamental issues in literary theory such as reflection and belief, theory and praxis, autonomy and heteronomy.
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    Schiller's Aesthetic Thoughts from Moral Politics to the Construction of Aesthetic Utopia
    Li Juan
    2014, 34 (1):  62-70. 
    Abstract ( 1235 )   PDF (9948KB) ( 221 )  
    Schiller's reflection on the enlightening rationality and his political concerns are the foundation to his aesthetic thoughts. At a time with manifold problems in Germany, Schiller proposed to cultivate perfect humanity and build moral politics so as to resist the instrumentality-characterized modern politics. However, moral politics is built on the constraining of human nature, and only in the aesthetic utopia can human sensibility, reason and nature be reconciled with inevitability. In this sense, aestheticization is freedom.
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    Three Decades' Research on Foreign Literary Theory in Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
    Tao Guoshan
    2014, 34 (1):  71-80. 
    Abstract ( 822 )   PDF (643KB) ( 148 )  
    Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art is a top-ranked professional academic periodical with key influence in China. Since its launch in 1980, it has been targeted at taking foreign literary theory and research as reference to Chinese literary theory. In the past three decades, it aims at connecting with international academic research, from introducing classical works in the column of Translation of Foreign Literary Theory ("FLT") to publishing domestic research papers in the column of Studies of FLT, and in recent years the journal has also published original papers written in English by scholars at home and abroad. Based on a survey of the contents of FLT in the past thirty years, this paper claims that it provides a constructive theoretical guidance for contemporary Chinese literary theory. On the one hand, a large number of papers on foreign literary theories and classical studies spread across China and helps to promote the acceptance of foreign literary theories. The latest foreign theories and the new concepts introduced in the journal often excite academic debates and further reflections in the research. On the other hand, the research published in the journal has also demonstrated the positive role which Chinese domestic scholars have played in the digestion and absorption FLT. The thirty years of the journal publication corresponds with the period of China's reform, and the journal has been a benchmark for researches on Chinese literary theory, established the connection with international research on literary studies, and promoted the domestic research on Chinese literary theory.
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    The Becoming of a Minor-Literature from a Minor-Language
    Ge Yue
    2014, 34 (1):  81-89. 
    Abstract ( 1440 )   PDF (8267KB) ( 519 )  
    Becoming-minor is regarded by Deleuze as the most efficient way of fighting against all existing forms of power. In Deleuze's sense, minor-literature that was mainly generated by minor-language was the embodiment of becoming-minor in the field of literature. This paper attempts to reframe Deleuze's thinking upon the relation between literature and politics by probing into the mechanism of minor-language forming. It can be argued that Deleuze critically approached this new relation by examining the mechanism of minor-language through the withered major-language and the blending usage of various languages with different functional and grammatical cases. From the minor-language perspective, another possibility can be found in interpreting contemporary Chinese "xungen" (seeking cultural and identity roots) literature and vernacular novels.
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    Symposium Highlights: Internet and the Transformation of Literature
    A Reflection on the Institutional Genealogy of Internet Literature
    Ouyang Ting, Ouyang Youquan
    2014, 34 (1):  90-98. 
    Abstract ( 1292 )   PDF (7969KB) ( 165 )  
    Internet literature's most profound influence on Chinese literary theory lies in its technical rewriting or replacing to the institutional genealogy of literature developed over many centuries. In terms of subject identity, internet literature, by adopting a grass-root standpoint, usurps the discourse power of the elite literary production. In terms of writing mode, the freedom of writing subverts existing order in literary production field. In terms of quantity of texts, internet literature has outnumbered and concealed the classics and literary canons, while in terms of value judgment the overt commercialism in the internet media has been able to compete with the established appeal of literariness. The traditional logical standpoint of literature is suspended by the technical priority in the inheritance of literary concepts. All these, the paper concludes, have resulted in a game play between traditional literary theory and media technical rules, and then push into the frontline the transformation of literary theory.
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    Toward a Digital Poetics for Electronic and Internet Literature
    Huang Mingfen
    2014, 34 (1):  99-105. 
    Abstract ( 894 )   PDF (6224KB) ( 342 )  
    Digital poetics covers the theoretical studies of the new forms of uprising literature from the electronic literature in the West to the internet literature in China. The primary mission of digital poetics is to sum up experience in digital literary writing and refine digital literary spirit so as to reflect the nature of literature from the new perspective provided by this new literary form. With the current emergence of computionalism, Web upgrades and the resultant development of cultural industry, digital poetics is facing new challenges and new opportunities. The paper proposes that computionalism may be taken as a world view for the exploration of theoretical issues concerning the origin and classification of arts and literature while the development in digital media and web technology may provide the point of departure for post-industrial production of artworks, which in turn will expands the current understanding of digital poetics.
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    A Study on Internet "Virtual Aesthetics"
    Zeng Fanting
    2014, 34 (1):  106-117. 
    Abstract ( 921 )   PDF (10557KB) ( 207 )  
    Internet literature in the digital era is produced in the context of virtual reality provided by cyber space, and its representation is through simulation or iconicity. The aesthetics of this literature is characterized by its virtualization, and parody as a popular technique derived in the process of virtualization highlights the carnival feature in the aesthetics. This so-called virtual aesthetics is a double-edged sword. While it liberates imagination, it also causes criticism for its lack of a firm value standpoint and cultural critique spirit. The virtual illusion characterized by consumerism may likely obscure the reality of survival in the real world and thus the texts may be devoid of meaning and significance and may become repetitive in forms only.
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    The Prosperity of Internet Literature and the Literary Change: Synopsis of Internet and the Transformation of Literature Symposium
    Ouyang Wenfeng, Lv Lei
    2014, 34 (1):  118-120. 
    Abstract ( 689 )   PDF (3395KB) ( 192 )  
    The development of internet literature has become an important literature phenomenon, and the new changes brought about in literature have attracted wide academic attention and research interest. In this light, the symposium "Internet and Literary Transformation" was held in July 2013 in Lhasa, during which scholars reflected the implications and value of the literary texts on the internet. The participants claimed that internet literature should be approached without the conventional concepts about literature and the prejudice about internet literature. They promoted a broader concept of literature or culture and proposed that scholars should be engaged with the site of internet literature by empirical experience and reading the texts. The consensus is that the research on internet literature should have an appropriate perspective and foster the better relationship between researchers and the internet writers. The participating scholars appealed that, given the popularity of internet literature among the college students, there should be courses of internet literature in University literature.
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    Modern and Contemporary Literary Theory and Criticism
    "Descendants of a Blurry-Eyed Dragon": A Lacanian Analysis of the Post-Maoist Structuration of Chineseness
    Wu Guanjun
    2014, 34 (1):  121-157. 
    Abstract ( 1153 )   PDF (41778KB) ( 216 )  
    "Descendants of the Dragon" (Long de chuanren) has become one of the most popular songs within the Sinophone world since the early 1980s. It can be, however, also regarded as one of the representative texts through which one can indeed glimpse the profound construction of Chineseness in the post-Maoist mainland China. Utilizing theoretical tools provided by Jacques Lacan and Slavoj Žižek, this paper offers detailed textual analyses as well as psycho-analyses of "Descendants of the Dragon", with the goal of furthering the contemporary critical examination of Chineseness.
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    Integrated Creation as Chinese Way of Aesthetics: On Jiang Kongyang's Contributions to the Construction of Chinese Aesthetics
    Li Yanzhu
    2014, 34 (1):  158-164. 
    Abstract ( 981 )   PDF (1979KB) ( 35 )  
    Focusing on Chinese way of aesthetics, this article reviews the contributions of such aestheticians as Wang Guowei, Zong Baihua, Zhu Guangqian, Qian Zhongshu and Li Zehou in forming and developing Chinese way of aesthetics. In the age of information, Jiang Kongyang was the first aesthetician who elucidated, practiced and expanded the notion of integrated creation as Chinese way of aesthetics, which itself was first conceived and proposed by Zhang Dainian and supported by Wang Yuanhua in his "integrative research method" of aesthetics. Jiang Kongyang elaborated the historical necessity, time pertinency and practicability of the notion, and answered the questions of how to integrate while inheriting, and create while integrating, so as to construct and develop Chinese aesthetics in Zeitgeist and with national characteristics.
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    The Variations and Eternals of Stories from the Anthropological Perspective: Based on a Comparative Analysis on Eileen Chang and Nikolai Leskov
    Liu Lili
    2014, 34 (1):  165-174. 
    Abstract ( 781 )   PDF (853KB) ( 155 )  
    This paper discusses Benjamin's paradox of "the story-teller" and questions the scope of his definition of the story. The premises for the question include: stories have always accompanied human activities; stories are the cognitive objects of human perception; stories meet people's need for meaning; stories adapt themselves to the changes of human needs and cultural conditions. Thus, this paper proposes a broader definition of story from the perspective of anthropology and makes a comparative analysis on Russian novelist Nikolai Leskov who was called a "story-teller" by Walter Benjamin and modern Chinese novelist Eileen Chang. The paper observes that the stories of Leskov are traditional stories aiming at informing the readers while Chang's stories are modern stories aiming at enlightening the readers. This undermines Benjamin's assertion that story-tellers have gone from us. The paper therefore puts forward some initial views on the variations and eternals of stories. Firstly, story is a broad concept which should include the novel as a component. Secondly, story provides novels with various ways of telling stories, while the story form may vary. Thirdly, the basic function of story to meet man's need for meaning never changes. Fourthly, the anthropological features of story may provide new ideas for the study of novels. Finally, the paper concludes that there is an absolute necessity of metaphysical thinking about story from the view of anthropology.
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    The Pursuit of Subjectivity in the Minorities Literature: An Examination of Literary Language Use in the Southwest Border Area
    Zhang Yonggang
    2014, 34 (1):  175-184. 
    Abstract ( 755 )   PDF (805KB) ( 148 )  
    The fundamental value of the national literature is embedded in the pursuit of its subjectivity, and in the post-modern cultural context, national literary language is one essential approach to understand of the subjectivity pursuit in national literatures. In terms of the complex relationship between Mandarin Chinese language and minority languages, the efforts of minority writers should be noted for their using Mandarin Chinese to strengthen their consciousness of nationality and search for the ways and meanings of cultural exchanges with the world of Chinese language. By writing in Chinese, minority writers attempt to reconstruct their national literature, to gain discourse power, and eventually to formulate an influential minority literary language. Writing in Chinese helps minority writers to embody their national and cultural identity in literary texts, which inevitably promotes Chinese minority literature and enriches Chinese contemporary multi-ethnic literature.
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    Classical Literary Theory and Criticism
    Fang Hui's Reverence for Tao Yuanming and the Self-Salvation of Jiangxi Poetry School in Late Southern Song Dynasty
    Liu Fei, Zhao Houjun
    2014, 34 (1):  185-195. 
    Abstract ( 833 )   PDF (842KB) ( 116 )  
    In the late Southern Song Dynasty, Tao Yuanming remained a poet widely admired by many poetic critics. Fang Hui, who was active in the late Song Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty, gave much attention to Tao Yuanming in his critical works, which can be taken as a typical case for study on the research of Tao. His views on poetics showed many characteristics of Jiangxi poetry school, and his study on Tao Yuanming had a profound influence.
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    Multiple Metaphors behind the Playing: An Explanation of Hu Shi's Interpretation of A Journal to the West
    Zhu Hongbo
    2014, 34 (1):  196-203. 
    Abstract ( 1255 )   PDF (779KB) ( 316 )  
    Hu Shi was the first to interpret Chinese classical novel A Journal to the West by taking it as a game play. Since 1920s till now, his interpretation has met with pros and cons, but his interpretive perspective is still worth examining. In the current theoretical context, this paper surveys the academic background of Hu Shi’s interpretive perspective and attempts a new explanation. The paper tries to investigate the multiple cultural implications behind the "play" interpretation of the novel from such angles as the second innocence, freedom from constraints, and anthropological structure of game and hopes to enrich the theoretical significance of Hu Shi's "play" interpretation.
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    The Theoretical Construction and Developmental Genealogy of "Imagery" Aesthetics in the 20th Century's China
    Han Wei
    2014, 34 (1):  204-214. 
    Abstract ( 1180 )   PDF (10724KB) ( 260 )  

    In the 20th century's China, the theoretical study on "imagery" as an aesthetic category has gone through different phrases. Before 1980s, "imagery" was understood as a term imported from Western aesthetics, and in the early 1980s the study of imagery started to enter a phase of theoretical self-awareness. In the last two decade of the century, two trends emerged as the ontological construction and Sino-Western dialogue in the study of imagery. The former aims at the ontological study of images, during which the ontological construction and the generalization of images occurred simultaneously so as to gain the discourse power in research field. The latter adopts a Western way of thinking and research methodology contextualized by Western aesthetic thoughts, and the research was carried out more from the perspective comparative aesthetics. This trend was leading to a narrower prospect since the visual aspect of imagery is often dissociated. As a result, the first trend proves to be one of the most successful and fruitful approaches to promote the transformation of ancient Chinese literary theory in terms of the study of imagery.

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    Symposium Highlights
    A Synopsis of the 18th Annual Conference of The Society of Chinese Ancient Literary Theory
    Zhang ZiCheng
    2014, 34 (1):  215-216. 
    Abstract ( 714 )   PDF (457KB) ( 50 )  
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