Focusing on Chinese way of aesthetics, this article reviews the contributions of such aestheticians as Wang Guowei, Zong Baihua, Zhu Guangqian, Qian Zhongshu and Li Zehou in forming and developing Chinese way of aesthetics. In the age of information, Jiang Kongyang was the first aesthetician who elucidated, practiced and expanded the notion of integrated creation as Chinese way of aesthetics, which itself was first conceived and proposed by Zhang Dainian and supported by Wang Yuanhua in his "integrative research method" of aesthetics. Jiang Kongyang elaborated the historical necessity, time pertinency and practicability of the notion, and answered the questions of how to integrate while inheriting, and create while integrating, so as to construct and develop Chinese aesthetics in Zeitgeist and with national characteristics.
Key words
aesthetics /
Chinese way /
integrative creation /
Jiang Kongyang
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