

• “五四文学百年纪念”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇

 “感动”的启蒙 ——早期鲁迅文艺思想起源的内面构造及历史意义


  1. 中山大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-06-11
  • 作者简介:罗成,文学博士,中山大学中文系副教授,主要从事文艺美学与文化研究。
  • 基金资助:

Enlightenment of "Affection": The Inner Construction and Historical Significance of the Origin of Lu Xun's Literary

Luo Cheng   

  1. the Department of Chinese in Sun Yat-sen University.
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-06-11
  • About author:Luo Cheng, Ph. D., is an association professor at the Department of Chinese in Sun Yat-sen University. His research interest covers literary aesthetics and cultural studies.
  • Supported by:
    the Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education (13JJD750003) and Fundamental Rescarch Fund for the Central Universities (17wkpy86)

摘要: 以鲁迅研究为代表的五四文学研究,亟待突破近30年的诸种范式,构建一种历史中的“人—文”学解释路径,以关注文学内面的方式丰富对历史的理解,而非成为历史学的注脚。1908年,早期鲁迅发表的五篇古文,在以往“语言中心主义”的主流论述之外,实际隐现了别种“艺文”经验的内在视野。鲁迅通过对历史、科学、诗歌、文化与政治诸领域的广泛讨论,批判了崇古与蔑古、自大与自轻等各种表面对立的乱象,提出“遏末流而生感动”的观点,以“感动”作为自我文学经验内面构造的认识论装置。“感动”而非“语言”“进化”,才是鲁迅文学及其历史主体性的核心。鲁迅的“心声”有着“物色”与“返顾”两种古典诗学的历史起源,“新声”并非源于“异邦”,而是“感动”于“怀古”。早期鲁迅并非限于“进化论”的思想启蒙者,而是一位深执“感动论”的生命启蒙者。

关键词: 鲁迅, 《破恶声论》, 感动, 启蒙, 心声

Abstract: The research on "the May Fourth Movement" represented by Lu Xun studies needs an urgent shift from current paradigms that have been used over the past three decades. An interpretive framework that organically combines humanity with literature needs to be constructed so as to enrich the understanding of history by focusing on literature, instead of making literature history's footnote. In 1908, Lu Xun published five articles in the classical Chinese language, in which he in fact provided an inner vision of an alternative experience of art and literature, which differed from existing discussions that were mainly from a "logocentric" perspective. By way of extensive discussion over various fields, such as history, science, poetry, culture and politics, Lu Xun accomplished his critique of existing chaos marked by superficially antithetical cultural and societal attitudes. In this regard, Lu Xun presented his idea "to transcend the decadent and to give rise to affection", using "affection" as his epistemological device to interpret his experience of literature and its inner construction. Rather than "language" or "evolution", "affection" was the core of Lu Xun's literature as well as his historical subjectivity. Lu Xun's "inner voice" can be traced back to two classical poetic theories, and his "new voice" was not from "the foreign", but "affected" "by the past". Lu Xun in his early stage was not simply a thinker of enlightenment confined by "the doctrine of evolution", but a devotee of life enlightenment with a belief in "the doctrine of affection".

Key words: Lu Xun, On Getting Rid of Evil Voice, affection, enlightenment, inner voice
