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  1. 华东师范大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:刘阳,文学博士,华东师范大学中文系教授,主要从事文学理论、西方文论与后理论研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Deep Path in Foucault's Critique of Reason and Its Enlightenments for Post-Theory

Liu Yang   

  1. Department of Chinese, East China Normal University (Shanghai 200041, China)
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Liu Yang, Ph. D., is a professor at Department of Chinese, East China Normal University (Shanghai 200041, China). His research interests cover literary theory, western literary theory and post-theory.

摘要: 在福柯前期对疯癫史四个阶段的考察中,理性压抑非理性的路径是逐渐微妙地将非理性的内涵由“外在于理性”缩换为“反理性”。前者不属理性,却兼容于完整的理性。后者不属(合)理性,拒斥狭义化的理性。后期福柯将康德启蒙观也置入后三阶段,显示这一压抑路径如何被强化,引出事件化思想。而最后一阶段以精神分析学为代表的“理论”之所以被福柯指认为推动着这一路径,是因为尽管“理论”表面产生于语言这一不及物的符号系统对意义的建构而不持合理性,但其揭示对象的深层结构时面临悖论:依托于语言的“理论”仍不得不掩藏自己的深层结构以完成意义建构而避免自我解构。事实上“理论”重复操作语言论底牌,将符号区分关系固化为二元位置,与意图—效果模式合流而形成及物冲动,仍落入着合理性。“理论”之后便需要考虑如何来积极兼容上述悖论,并由此自然地走向文学及其“外在于理性”的思想方式以更新自己。

关键词: 福柯, 理性批判, 外在于理性, 反理性, “理论”

Abstract: In Foucault's early research on madness history which contains four stages, the path of reason repressing non-reason gradually transformed the connotation of non-reason from being "arational" to "irrational" in a subtle manner. The former is not being rational, but is compatible with complete reason. The latter is not being rational either and resists reason in the narrow sense, namely rationality. This path was strengthened in his later study which focused on Kant's idea of enlightenment and thus led to the thought of eventalization. Theory has pushed this process forward. This thesis presents an extended explanation of this important issue, and reveals the fact that Post-Theory has inevitably gone to literature.

Key words: Foucault, critique of reason, arational, irrational, theory