

• 美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 临沂大学美术学院
  • 出版日期:2018-11-25 发布日期:2019-03-24
  • 作者简介:尹德辉,博士,临沂大学美术学院教授,主要从事美学、文艺学、艺术学研究。通讯地址:山东省临沂市兰山区双岭路中段临沂大学美术学院,邮政编码:276005。电子邮箱:yindehui70@163.com

Was Plato an Art Denier?: Plato's Concept of Technē (Art) and the Pre-Socratic Philosophy Term of Phusis (Nature)

Yin Dehui   

  1. Academy of Fine Arts, Linyi University
  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2019-03-24
  • About author:Yin Dehui, is a professor at Linyi University. His main research interests are art theory and aesthetics. Address: Academy of Fine Arts, Linyi University, Shuangling Road, Lanshan District, Linyi 276005, Shandong Province, China. Email: yindehui70@163.com

摘要: 古希腊的“技艺”(technē)并不是一个和我们今天的“艺术”(Art)完全等同的概念,所以说柏拉图支持或反对艺术都是不严谨的,然而柏拉图对某些“技艺”(主要指的诗和绘画)的反对,在事实上对迄今的美学、艺术哲学又持续地发生着重要的影响,因而就有必要说明柏拉图所反对的究竟是怎样的“技艺”。柏拉图在对前苏格拉底自然哲学批判和继承的基础上,最先把古希腊的术语“技艺”(technē)奠定在哲学的基础之上,他的“技艺”思想就与前苏格拉底自然哲学中的“自然”(phusis)有关;“技艺”在柏拉图那里有悖于“理式”(idea)而受到贬抑的一面,从前苏格拉底哲学的角度来说,就是其中“不自然”的一面。因此,如果把柏拉图的“技艺”对应于现代的“艺术”概念,则其中既包括为现代美学所秉持的“艺术”(Art)、也就是那个“美的艺术”(Fine Arts)的含义,还包括“技艺”概念本身所特指的技术(skill)意味,再有就是为柏拉图所真正批判的现代美学中的“庸俗艺术”(Kitsch)的含义。在柏拉图的“技艺”思想中,这些含义是交融混杂在一起的,他的时代没有为他提供区分这几个不同方面含义的现实条件,但至少,柏拉图是不反对艺术(Art)的。

关键词: 自然, 技艺, 艺术, 庸俗艺术


Since philosophy term technē in ancient Greece is not exactly the same as the concept of art today, it is inaccurate to say that Plato was for or against art, but, at the same time. Plato actually opposed some kind of technē (mainly poetry and painting), and the influence of this stance remained even today. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify which kind of technē Plato exactly opposed. In ancient Greece, it was Plato who firstly proposed technē as a philosophy term on the basis of Pre-Socratic philosophy. So his thought of technē must relate itself to the thought of phusis in Pre-Socratics, meaning that the aspect which Plato thought was contrary to idea and which Plato criticized was exactly the aspect which was contrary to phusis from Pre-Socratic point of view. So, if we match Plato's concept of technē with the modern concept of art, the concept technē of ancient Greece had already included the main three meanings of art today, namely, Art or the Fine Arts in modern Aesthetics, skills which is already contained in technē, and Kitsch in modern Aesthetics which was indeed criticized by Plato. In Plato's time, all these three meanings were mingled in discriminately, and there had not been a context for Plato to distinguish all these three aspects of technē, but at least, it should be understood that Plato was not actually against Art.

Key words: Phusis, Technē, art, Kitsch