

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华侨大学外国语学院
  • 出版日期:2018-11-25 发布日期:2019-03-24
  • 作者简介:陈历明,文学博士,华侨大学外国语学院教授,翻译研究中心主任,主要从事翻译学、音乐文学、中外文学关系等方面研究。
  • 基金资助:

Musicalization: Xu Zhimo's Poetic Aesthetics

Chen Liming   

  1. School of Foreign Languages, and Center for Translation Studies
  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2019-03-24
  • About author:Chen Liming, Ph.D., is professor at School of Foreign Languages, and Center for Translation Studies, Huaqiao University, with research interests in translation studies, music literature, and the relation between Chinese and foreign literature.
  • Supported by:
    the Key Project of Fujian Social Sciences (FJ2016A020)

摘要: 五四以来的白话新诗一直多受诟病,除了因语言的俗白透明而缺乏意境深度外,很重要的不足就是音乐性问题,与古典诗歌相比则更为彰显。但徐志摩却是一个例外,他通过阅读、翻译与创作的互动,将中外诗歌的音乐化(主要包括音节、音韵、律动与再现等音乐写作手法)呈现进行了卓有成效的创造性转化。如果说徐志摩的诗歌最大的艺术特色就是富于音乐性,那么,其音乐性最突出地表征为音乐再现艺术的运用,主要体现为完全再现、部分再现和变奏再现及其综合运用。本文通过实例分别阐明其音乐性的师承以及音乐诗学的内涵,将其置于中外诗歌音乐性探求的纵横坐标中,借此为新诗的音乐性正名并予以反思。质言之,徐志摩为新诗的艺术化与音乐化奠定了良好的基石,促成了新诗的文学性与音乐性本质的回归,值得后来者总结继承并光大之。

关键词: 徐志摩, 音乐化, 完全再现, 部分再现, 变奏再现, 翻译与创作

Abstract: Apart from its shallow poetic imagery due to the vernacular and transparent language, a main reason why the New Poetry has been widely criticized since the May 4th Movement lies in the lack of musicality, more obvious when compared with Chinese classical poetry. But Xu Zhimo is an exception in that he made some effective and innovative transformation of the musicality of the poetry both at home and abroad by means of an integration of reading, translation and writing. It is therefore argued that musicality has characterized the most important features of his poetry, which is most obviously manifested as recapitulation of the art of music mainly including full recapitulation, partial recapitulation, variant recapitulation and their synthetic application. This paper tends to elaborate on the origin of his musicality and musical poetics based on the practical interpretation of various examples, and consequently to verify and rethink the musicality of the New Poetry in a world context of musical poetry. To summarize, Xu Zhimo facilitated an essential return of the literariness and musicality of the New Poetry, which well deserves his followers' succeeding and carrying forward.

Key words: Xu Zhimo, musicalization, full recapitulation, partial recapitulation, variant recapitulation, translation and creation