

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 武汉大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2018-11-25 发布日期:2019-03-24
  • 作者简介:方长安,文学博士,武汉大学文学院教授、博士生导师,主要从事中国新诗研究。
  • 基金资助:

Knowledge Production and Canonization of Modern Chinese Poetry: Selected Modern Chinese Poetry (1919-1949) in Historical Perspective

Fang Chang’an   

  1. the School of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University
  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2019-03-24
  • About author:Fang Chang'an, Ph.D., is a professor at the School of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University. His research interests cover modern Chinese poetry.
  • Supported by:
    the Major Project of National Social Sciences Foundation in 2016 (16ZDA186)

摘要: 1956年,中国青年出版社出版了臧克家选编的《中国新诗选(1919-1949)》,它是新中国第一个最重要的新诗选本。作为“代序”的《“五四”以来新诗发展的一个轮廓》,从新中国文学建设出发,重构出以1919年“五四”为起点的现代新诗发展史,这是一个反帝反封建主题不断彰显、现实主义成为主潮的历史;《中国新诗选(1919-1949)》以此为历史框架和话语依据,打破既有的新诗知识体系,重新遴选诗人、诗作,通过取与舍而拼构出一个全新的新诗地图,生产出满足那个时代要求的现代新诗知识。该选本发行量大,曾经是一代人阅读、了解新诗最重要的读本,但长期以来学界未能对其进行客观而深入的研究。事实上,它对诗人、诗作的取与舍,既是遮蔽也是敞开,将其放在现代新诗百年选本史上考察,放在20世纪20年代至今仍在延续的现代新诗经典化历史中理性审视,则不难发现其对于现代新诗经典遴选、塑造具有独特的历史功能。

关键词: 《中国新诗选(1919-1949)》, 编选语境, 新诗史重构, 知识生产, 经典化功能

Abstract: Selected Modern Chinese Poetry (1919-1949), edited by Zang Kejia and published in 1956 by China Youth Press, is the first and one of the most important anthologies of modern poetry in China since 1949. For literary construction in modern China, its preface, "An Outline of the Development of Modern Chinese Poetry since the 'May Fourth Movement'", has reconstructed the history of the development of modern Chinese poetry from 1919 to 1949, which saw anti-imperialistic and anti-feudalistic themes highlighted and realism become the mainstream. Because the editor used it as a historical framework and discourse basis to break through the existing knowledge system of modern poetry by reselecting poets and poems, the book has drawn a new map of modern poetry and produced knowledge of poetry that met the requirements of that period. The circulation of the anthology was so large that it became the most important reader for a generation to understand modern Chinese poetry. An objective and deep study of the book, however, has yet to appear. In fact, if one contextualizes the anthology in the history of poetry selection for the past century, and in the history of continuing canonization of modern poetry since the 1920s, it is not difficult to find that the book has unique historical functions for selection and canonization of modern Chinese poetry.

Key words: Selected Modern Chinese Poems (1919-1949), context of selection, reconstructed history of modern Chinese poetry, knowledge production, function of canonization