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  1. 浙江大学美学与批评理论研究所
  • 出版日期:2018-03-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:范昀,文学博士,浙江大学美学与批评理论研究所副教授,现主要从事伦理与政治美学、启蒙思想史研究。
  • 基金资助:

"Cultivating Our Own Garden": How Does Art Face the Imperfect World?

Fan Yun   

  1. the Institute for Aesthetics and Critical Theory at Zhejiang University
  • Online:2018-03-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Fan Yun is an associate professor in the Institute for Aesthetics and Critical Theory at Zhejiang University. His academic interests include ethics and aesthetics, literary theory, cultural criticism, and western enlightenment in the 18th century.
  • Supported by:
    National Social Science Fund(13CZX089), Key Project of the National Social Sciences Fund (14ZDB087) and the basic theory research fund of Zhejiang University.

摘要: 在当下的审美文化与艺术实践中,作为符号话语的“乌托邦”扮演了主导性角色。自席勒的“游戏说”以来,艺术逐渐被视为逃离庸常现实的途径与批判社会的武器。在当代,反叛式的乌托邦诉求更是成为审美文化的主要形式:艺术家试图以天真无邪的艺术想象来对抗这个病入膏肓的世界。在如何面对这个不完美的世界的问题上,乌托邦式的疏离与反叛并非艺术创作的唯一选项。通过坦然直面现实的不完美,艺术也能使人们免于厌世走向人生的成熟,真正承担起对社会与人类的责任。

关键词: 艺术, 乌托邦, 现实感, 自我

Abstract: The term "utopia" as semiotic discourse pays a crucial role in contemporary culture and art practices. Since the "play" theory raised by Schiller, art has been perceived as a vehicle to escape the reality and a weapon to resist it. Subversion becomes the major form of Art's utopia, especially in contemporary culture: artists try to offset the rotten world with innocent artistic imagination. Utopian alienation or subversion is not the only way that artworks adopt to solve the problem of the imperfect world. By confronting the imperfect reality, art can help us to mature into personhood without being cynical and to take the responsibility for society and human beings.

Key words: art, utopia, sense of reality, self