

• 西方文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 安庆师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2018-03-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:金松林,哲学博士,安庆师范大学文学院副教授,主要从事西方现代美学和文学理论研究。
  • 基金资助:

Engaging or Not: The Theoretical Divergence between Roland Barthes and Jean-Paul Sartre

Jin Songlin   

  1. the School of Literature, Anqing Normal University
  • Online:2018-03-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Jin Songlin, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the School of Literature, Anqing Normal University, with research interests in modern western aesthetics and literary theory.
  • Supported by:
    the Philosophy and Social Sciences Projects of Anhui Province [AHSKYG2017D154] and the Key Projects of Support Program for outstanding Young Talents in Anhui Province (gxyqZD2018059) 

摘要: 萨特在《什么是文学?》中提出了介入论的文学观,主张作家应该通过写作积极介入社会生活,主动对各种社会或政治事件表态,从而保卫个体存在的自由。在《写作的零度》中,初登文坛的巴尔特对萨特的这一观点进行了严厉批判,他认为这种写作不仅被专断的意识形态所污染,而且背负了道德伦理的重担。为了给文学松绑,他大力倡导“零度写作”或“中性写作”,努力创建一种“白色的文学”。其实,巴尔特的这一观念在萨特发表《什么是文学?》之前就已经萌芽了,只是这场争论促使它快速成型。在《写作的零度》中,巴尔特不但批判了萨特,还进行了最初的结构主义实验,并且在实验中埋下了后结构主义的种子, 由此呈现出巴尔特思想的复杂性,即他的结构主义和后结构主义并不是两个泾渭分明的阶段,而是相互混杂的。

关键词: 罗兰·巴尔特, 萨特, 文学介入, 零度写作, 混杂性

Abstract: In What's Literature?, Sartre put forward the literary viewpoint of engagement, suggesting that writers should engage with the social life by writing actively, and express their own positions for social or political issues, so as to protect the freedom of individual existence. Roland Barthes, then a young literary figure, criticized seriously Sartre's viewpoint in Writing Degree Zero, contending that such writing not only was polluted by arbitrary ideology, but also burdened itself with the weight of ethics. In order to liberate literature, Barthes tried his best to propose the writing at degree zero or the neutral writing, and to establish a colorless literature. In fact, Barthes' s ideas had come into being before Sartre published his What's Literature?, only that the debate facilitated their maturity. In Writing Degree Zero, Barthes not only criticized Sartre, but also started his experiment of structuralism, which anticipated the coming of post-structuralism. In other words, this henceforth reflected the complexity of Barthes's thought, which also means that the boundary between structuralism and post-structuralism were not so absolute, and they were mixed.

Key words: Roland Barthes, Jean-Paul Sartre, literary engagement, writing degree zero, hybridity