
文艺理论研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 151-159.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海政法学院文学与传媒学院;华东师范大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2018-05-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:孙超,博士,上海政法学院文学与传媒学院副教授,华东师范大学中文系在站博士后,主要从事古代文论与近代小说研究。
  • 基金资助:

An Interpretation of “Xingwei”

Sun Chao   

  1. the Department of Literature and Media at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law; the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at East China Normal University
  • Online:2018-05-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Sun Chao, Ph.D., is associate professor in the Department of Literature and Media at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law and postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at East China Normal University. His academic interests are ancient literature and modern novels.
  • Supported by:
    Project of National Social Sciences Fund (No. 15BZW122) and the Project of China Postdoctoral Science Fund (No. 2015M581559) 

摘要: “兴味”作为诗学范畴,建基于我国诗学中“兴”与“味”这一对元范畴理论之上。钟嵘连通“兴”“味”论所提出的“滋味”实即感兴之味,指感物兴情形诸诗篇而产生的含蓄蕴藉之美,这成为后出之“兴味”的基本意涵。综观古人用例,“兴味”主要指诗歌具有一种含蓄蕴藉、富有情趣,能引发读者极高兴致,能让读者回味无穷的美感。它兼有审美接受与创作发生两种指向,兼具诗学与日常两个维度,且具有强大的意涵吸附性和文体开放性,曾与同质范畴一起成为古代各体文学的普遍审美标准,在近代更一度成为小说文体批评的核心话语,初步显示了融通古今中西的能力。时至今日,“兴味”的诗学意蕴继续向各艺术领域开放。为建构我国本土化、自主性文论话语,我们应该给予它特别的关注。

关键词: 兴味, 诗学范畴, 审美接受, 创作发生, 审美标准, 文论建构

Abstract: "Xingwei" is a poetic category based on the theory of "Xing" and "Wei" in Chinese poetics. Connecting "Xing" and "taste" theories, Zhong Rong put forward the theory of "Flavour", which refers to the beauty of implication in the content and situation of the poems. This became the basic meaning of "Xingwei" later. An overview ancients cases indicate that "Xingwei" mainly refers to an aesthetic feeling or experience implied in the poetry and can rouse the reader' extremely interest and enable the reader to have an endless aftertaste. It points to both aesthetic acceptance and the generation of creation, has two dimensions of poetry and daily life, and is both absorptive and open. It once became the common aesthetic standard of ancient literature together with other homogeneous categories. In modern times, it even once became the core of literary criticism, displaying the capacity of connecting the ancient and the modern, China and the West. Up to now, the poetic meaning of "Xingwei" continues to be open to all fields of art. It is worth special attention if we want to construct localized, autonomous critical discourse of China.

Key words: Xingwei, poetic category, aesthetic reception, generation of creation, aesthetic standard, construction of literary theory