

• 中国特色文论话语体系研究:中外文论比较研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国文化理论原创中心
  • 出版日期:2018-03-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:吴炫,上海财经大学人文学院讲席教授,中国文化理论原创中心主任,主要从事文艺理论研究。
  • 基金资助:

Ideas of Chinese Literary Creation Seen from the "Crossing-through" Theory of Literature

Wu Xuan   

  1. art and humanities in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics the Center of Original Chinese Cultural Theory
  • Online:2018-03-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Wu Xuan, is a chair professor of art and humanities in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and the director of the Center of Original Chinese Cultural Theory. His research areas include theory of literature and art.
  • Supported by:
    the National Social Sciences Project (11BZW008) 

摘要: 本文尝试从中国作家“尊重表现文化观念又内在改造之”的文学穿越论出发,试图调整现有中国文学史习惯从文化出发评价文学内容、描述文学发展的研究状况。首先,“中国文学创造史思维”需要从“文化、时代、思潮、地域对文学创作的制约和影响”转换到“文学创造突破文化、时代、思潮、地域制约所达到的程度”上来,突出“文化中的文学创造”。其次,“中国文学创造史分期”需要从“朝代更替和文体演变分期”转换到“文学原生化时期”“文学工具化和反工具化交替时期”“文学本体自觉探索时期”三大历史分期,且描述文学自觉从“自在”走向“自为”的历史演变。再次,“中国文学创造史分类”需要从“散文、诗词、戏曲、小说”的文体分类转换到“独创、潜创、依创、弱创”的文学创造程度分类,重估经典文学、优秀文学和一般性文学。

关键词: 文学性自觉, 文学穿越论, 潜在的创造, 创造的程度

Abstract: Starting from the "crossing-through" theory of literature which claims that Chinese writers respect the expression of cultural concepts and transform it from within, this article attempts to adjust the current research situation of Chinese literary history that is used to criticizing literature and describing its development from the perspective of Chinese culture. Firstly, "the thinking of Chinese literary creation" needs to be transformed from "the restriction and influence of culture, time, thought and region on literary creation" to "the degree to which literary creation breaks through culture, times, ideological trend and regional constraints", so as to highlight "literary creation in culture". Secondly, "the stages of Chinese literary creation history" needs to be changed from "the shifts of dynasties and stages of literary evolution" to the following periods: "the period of original conditions of literature", "the period of alternating instrumentalization and anti-instrumentalization of literature", "the period of self-conscious ontological exploration of literature". This describes the historical evolution of literary consciousness from "Self-Being" to "Self-Making". Thirdly, "Chinese literary creation of history" needs to be reclassified from the stylistic classification of "prose, poetry, drama, fiction", to the originality degree of being "original, potentially original, dependently originally, and unoriginal", so as to reassess classic literature, good literature, and ordinary literature.

Key words: literary consciousness, "crossing-through" theory of literature, potentially original, degree of originality