

• 专题:百年新诗反思 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2017-11-25 发布日期:2017-10-18
  • 作者简介:殷国明,华东师范大学中文系教授,博士生导师,主要从事现当代文学研究。

Opportunities and Challenges: Reflections on the Cultural Situation and Destiny of Modern Poetry in the Past Century

Yin Guoming   

  1. the Chinese Department of Shanghai East China Normal University
  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-10-18
  • About author:Yin Guoming, Ph.D., is a professor in the Chinese Department of Shanghai East China Normal University. His research covers modem and contemporary literature studies.

摘要: 如果从1917年胡适发表《文学改良刍议》算起,新诗已经走完百年岁月。但是就今日新诗状态来说,不论是从其在人们日常生活中的影响、还是就对于其创作实绩的评说来说,似乎多有不尽人意之处,甚至引起人们对于新诗未来的怀疑。无疑,作为传统艺术精神的表达和积累,诗歌凝聚和传承了中国传统的审美意识和艺术精神,其发展、变化和创新,不仅持续不断为地为文学创作和理论提供借鉴、资源和活力,也是中国艺术精神变迁和更新的历史写照,反映了在不同语境和环境中艺术思维的不同价值取向及其特征。而新诗在20世纪的产生,既表现了中国文学发展进程中诗歌史上的一次突变和转捩点,又突显了社会巨变和意识形态对于文学的影响,使新诗成为一个独特的文学“早产儿”,带着鲜明的时代锋芒和特征,不得不经历漫长的生活考验和文化洗礼,在不断纠错和通融创新中才能赢得自己的未来性。

关键词: 新诗, “早产儿”, 过度阐释, 未来性

Abstract: "Modern Poetry" has been around for a century since the publication of On Literary Improvement written by Hu Shi in 1917. However, the situation of today's poetry seems less satisfactory considering its influence on people's everyday life or the performance of its creation, which would even raise doubt on modern poetry's future. Undoubtedly, as an expression and accumulation of traditional artistic spirit, poetry functions as cohesion and inheritance of traditional Chinese aesthetic consciousness and artistic spirit. The development, change and innovation of poetry not only provide reference, resources and vitality for literary creation and theory constantly, but also function as a historical portrayal of the change and renewal of Chinese artistic spirit which reflect the different values of artistic thinking in different contexts and environments. Nevertheless, the emergence of modern poems in the 20th century presents a sudden change and a turning point in the history of Chinese poetry while highlighting the influence of literature on social changes at the same time. modern poetry is a "premature child" with distinctive features of the times. It has to experience a long test and baptism in order to have its future through continuous error correction, reconciliation and innovation.

Key words: modern poetry, "premature child", over-interpretation, futurism