

• 专题:比较文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南昌大学人文学院
  • 出版日期:2017-11-25 发布日期:2017-10-18
  • 作者简介:刘毅青,文学博士,南昌大学人文学院特聘教授,主要从事中国美学、文艺理论、比较诗学研究。
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Our Modernity: The Cross-cultural Potential of Chinese Scholarship

Liu Yiqing   

  1. School of Humanities, Nanchang University
  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-10-18
  • About author:Liu Yiqing, Ph.D., is a professor at the School of Humanities, Nanchang University, with main interests in Chinese aesthetics, literary theory and comparative poetics.
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摘要: “西方如何理解中国”与“中国如何理解中国”在全球化的学术市场里互为镜像,中国对自身理解与西方处于同样的困境。这是由于,现代中国的社会结构与人心秩序的基本面向由现代性所塑造,全球化下的中国与西方一样面临着现代性的挑战,从而中国与西方面临着共同的现代性。中国的现代性是在西方的冲击下被动植入的,呈现出杂糅性,传统对于当代中国而言成了一个“他者”,传统与现代之间存在着“间距”。深刻地认识现代性在中国造成的断裂,是为了以更为务实的态度重新吸收传统的价值。而若从积极的角度看,现代中国这种间于古今中西的特质所造就的汉语学术思想的内在张力,孕育着一种思想的跨文化潜力,从而汉语学术能够从古今中西的多种思想中汲取资源,完成自身的建构。

关键词: 中国现代性, 他者, 跨文化, 汉语学术

Abstract: The issues of "how the west understands China" and "how China understands China" have been the two sides of the same coin in the global scholarship. Both China and the West are trapped by the same issue of understanding China, because modern Chinese social structure and basic aspects of mentality are shaped by modernity, and China and the west are equally confronted by the challenges of modernity under the circumstances of globalization. Chinese modernity came into being due to the western impact, and consequently Chinese tradition has become the Other for contemporary China, which means that there is a gap between tradition and modernity. A keen awareness of the fracture in China caused by modernity is helpful for us to reappreciate the value of tradition with a more pragmatic attitude. Seen positively, the inner tension of Chinese academic thought caused by the coexistence of tradition and modernity, China and the West, would breed cross-cultural potential to promote Chinese scholarship to complete self-construction through drawing on multifarious thoughts.

Key words: Chinese Modernity, the Other, the cross-cultural, Chinese scholarship