

• 专题:比较文学研究 •    下一篇



  1. 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校文学系
  • 出版日期:2017-11-25 发布日期:2017-10-18
  • 作者简介:张英进,上海交通大学人文学院访问讲席教授,美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校文学系系主任、比较文学特聘教授,研究范围包括文学、电影、都市文化、文化史,出版英文书籍十四部,中文书籍十一部,发表中、英、德、意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙、韩文论文170余篇。

Aesthetics of Translocality and Crossmediality in Isaac Julien's Ten Thousand Waves

Zhang Yingjin   

  1. the Department of Literature at University of California, San Diego, USA
  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-10-18
  • About author:Zhang Yingjin is Visiting Chair Professor, School of Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, and Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature, Chair of the Department of Literature at University of California, San Diego, USA. His research covers literature, film, urban culture and cultural history. His publications include fourteen English books, eleven Chinese books, and over 170 research articles in Chinese, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Korean.

摘要: 本文分析电影与视觉研究中新发展的跨地性与跨媒体性。朱利安的九屏幕投视电影《万重浪》(2010年)代表一种基于跨地比兴、跨媒体互动和移动观影的动态美学。通过启用不同的模式(如田园式对比幻想式、怀旧式对比后怀旧式)重塑妈祖传说和上海记忆,多种影像与声音不停流动,产生跨越不同媒体和类型(电影摄影、影像装置、救援录像、书法、诗歌、绘画、明星表演等)的多层次、多时空的意义断想/联想。跨界视觉艺术无疑增强了作者的魅力,但遗留的关键问题是西方观众对东方意象的接受能否超越根深蒂固的东方主义的束缚。

关键词: 跨地实践, 跨媒体美学, 艾萨克·朱利安, 《万重浪》(2010年), 上海记忆, 移动观影, 动态美学

Abstract: This article examines translocality and crossmediality as new developments in cinema and visual studies. Isaac Julien's 9-screen video installation Ten Thousand Waves (2010) represents a migratory aesthetics based on translocal evocation, crossmedial interaction, and mobile spectatorship. As Julien reconstructs the legend of Mazu and memories of Shanghai in radically different modes (e. g., the idyllic versus the phantasmagoric, the nostalgic versus the post-nostalgic), their screen images and sounds enter a constant circulation and produce intriguing multi-directional, multi-spatial, and multi-temporal dissonance/resonances across different media and genres — cinema, art photography, video installation, police rescue footage, calligraphy, poetry, painting, and star performance. Cross-border visual arts no doubt have enhanced the auteur mystique, but a key question remains as to whether Western audience, in its reception of Eastern imageries, could break through the confines of entrenched Orientalism.

Key words: translocal practice, crossmedia aesthetics, Isaac Julien, Ten Thousand Waves (2010) , memories of Shanghai, mobile spectatorship, migratory aesthetics