
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 86-93.

• 西方文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 复旦大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2012-07-25 发布日期:2012-09-12
  • 作者简介:朱立元,复旦大学中文系教授,博士生导师。 黎明,复旦大学中文系文艺学博士研究生。

Reappraisal of the Aesthetic Thoughts of Giambattista Vico

Zhu Liyuan, Li Ming   

  1. Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University
  • Online:2012-07-25 Published:2012-09-12
  • About author:Zhu Liyuan is a professor with Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University. His academic interests focus on Western aesthetics and literary theory. Li Ming, doctoral candidate in Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University. Research areas include Aesthetics and Literary theory.

摘要: 中国学界对维柯的美学研究由朱光潜先生开启。但之后国内的维柯美学研究却有些薄弱和不够深入。到底是什么制约了维柯美学研究的进一步发展?通常被看作历史哲学家、法哲学家的维柯到底可不可以算美学家?有没有独树一帜的美学思想?当我们沉潜于维柯的全部思想之中,就不难寻找可供支撑美学研究的基点,这就是“感性”。感性和感性(诗性)智慧构成了维柯整个美学思想的核心与基础,而这在本来意义上凸显了稍晚于他的鲍姆嘉登所提出的美学学科(Aesthetica)的感性学内涵。在这个意义上,肯定维柯对于美学学科也有一定的创建之功,恐怕并不过分。

关键词: 维柯, 美学思想, 感性, 诗性智慧

Abstract: In Chinese academia, the research into the aesthetics of Giambattista Vico has not been well developed after Zhu Guangqian's inaugural exploration. This paper tries to investigate the following problems. What has restricted the further exploration into Vico's aesthetics? Is it reasonable to regard Vico as a theorist of aesthetics with his own original aesthetic thoughts, while he was generally considered as a historical philosopher and a jurist? Our further probe into Vico's thoughts leads us to the belief that "perception" lies at the foundation of Vico's aesthetics. The discussion of "perception" and "poetic wisdom" is the most important part of Vico's aesthetic thoughts, and to a certain degree it highlights the significance of Baumgarten's naming of "Aesthetica" as a discipline. In this sense, maybe it is not inappropriate to approve Vico's creative achievement about aesthetics. 

Key words: Vico, aesthetic thoughts, perception, poetic wisdom