
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 199-208.

• 专题:德勒兹与文论 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 台北艺术大学艺术跨领域研究所
  • 出版日期:2017-05-25 发布日期:2018-01-24
  • 作者简介:杨凯麟,巴黎第八大学哲学场域与转型研究所博士,台北艺术大学艺术跨领域研究所教授。主要从事当代法国哲学、美学与文学评论研究。
  • 基金资助:

Thinking is Folding: Deleuze's Problematique of the Baroque

Yang Kailin   

  1. the Taipei National University of the Arts
  • Online:2017-05-25 Published:2018-01-24
  • About author:Yang Kailin, is a professor at the Taipei National University of the Arts. His academic interests are chiefly in contemporary French philosophy, aesthetic and literary criticism.

摘要: 对德勒兹而言,巴洛克的重要性较不是艺术史的,它的重要性在于迫使我们去思考“无穷折曲的可能性”,以折曲来表达无穷宇宙的无穷细节,而且每一构成细节都由生成所说明。巴洛克因此没有本质,只是意图将折曲这种操作功能推到无限的“风格主义”。德勒兹以莱布尼兹的单子作为思考折曲问题的例证,愈想深入思考单子,就愈扩大地思考(单子之外的)宇宙,单子(最小)与宇宙(最大)有一种不可思考的非关系,而且正是在这种非关系中相互定义与相互折曲,二者共构了由“介于二”或双界限的不可能共存所说明的“中域”(milieu)或“共同界限”。透过对折曲的构思,德勒兹同时答覆了“何谓思考?”这个哲学的基本问题。

关键词: 德勒兹, 巴洛克, 折曲, 单子, 莱布尼兹

Abstract: According to Deleuze, the importance of the Baroque is not the history of art, but what counts is to force us to think about "the possibility of the fold to infinity". The fold, as "point of view", is the distinct expression of the universe, while each fold is inseparable from becoming. The Baroque has no essence. It is just a mannerism pushed to infinity. Through the Monad of Leibniz, Deleuze creates the concept of the fold. Between the Monad and the universe, there is a non-relative who built the "milieu" or "common Limit". Through the conception of the fold, Deleuze answers the critical question of "what is thought".

Key words: Gilles Deleuze, Baroque, fold, monad, Leibniz