
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 156-163.

• 西方文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 复旦大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2017-05-25 发布日期:2018-01-24
  • 作者简介:陈辰,复旦大学中文系博士生,法国雷恩二大联合培养博士生,主要研究方向为西方美学与文艺理论。

Empiricism, Sense and Modernity of Aesthetics: Edmund Burke's The Sublime and Beautiful from the Viewpoint of Medieval Aesthetics

Chen Chen   

  1. the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University (Shanghai 200433, China)
  • Online:2017-05-25 Published:2018-01-24
  • About author:Chen Chen is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University (Shanghai 200433, China), and has received a joint doctoral training at University Rennes 2, France. His research focuses on Western aesthetics and theory of literature and art.

摘要: 国内学界对博克的《崇高与美》并不陌生,但是博克美学研究的进展仍不太够,并且大多数情况下仅局限于博克对崇高的论述。事实是,博克美学思想形成的一个重要方面,是建立于对中世纪美学传统的批判之上的,这尤其体现在该书第三卷论美的前半部分中。比例、合适、完满都是中世纪经院美学的核心概念,并作为一份遗产一直留传到博克的时代。博克从洛克的经验主义哲学出发,在对象的一面批判了传统认为的美的对象所应具有的质,在主体的一面又批判了传统上认为的领会美所需要的认识能力,并由此建立了基于身体的五种感官之快乐的美学。这种美学与政治和大众有着密切关系,暗含了现代性的特征。Aesthetica,或按照博克所言“品味的逻辑”一名在十八世纪的提出,也许不仅如鲍姆加登所言是为了科学体系的完整,而且有其隐匿的历史政治因素。

关键词: 博克, 中世纪美学, 经验主义, 感官, 现代性

Abstract: Edmund Burke's The Sublime and Beautiful is familiar to Chinese scholars, the studies of which nevertheless are inadequate, as many studies confine themselves to Burke's exposition of the sublime. But in fact Burke implies a critique of the tradition of the medieval doctrine of beauty, which is particularly evident in the first section of the third part of this book. As central concepts in the Scholastic doctrine of beauty in the Middle Ages, proportion, fitness, and perfection are transmitted to Burke's times. Burke, employing John Locke's empiricism, criticizes traditional qualities of the beautiful on the side of the object, and traditional intellectual powers required to the apprehension of beauty on the side of the subject, thus establishing an aesthetic based on the pleasure of five corporeal senses. This kind of aesthetics, in its intimate relation to politics and the masses, implies some characteristics of modernity. According to Burke, the word "aesthetica", or "logic of taste", which is put forward in the eighteenth century, not only aims for the wholeness of the scientific system, as Baumgarten claims, but has its own secret historical and political purpose.

Key words: Edmund Burke, the medieval doctrine of beauty, empiricism, sense, modernity