
文艺理论研究 ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 7-16.

• 专题:当代艺术语境里的文艺理论研究 •    下一篇



  1. 特拉维夫大学哲学系
  • 出版日期:2015-03-25 发布日期:2015-06-17
  • 作者简介:哈吉·凯南教授任教于特拉维夫大学哲学系,主要研究方向为欧陆哲学、现象学、美学以及艺术哲学。他已发表的多部学术专著包括The Present Personal: Philosophy and the Hidden Face of Language (2005), Emmanuel Levinas: Ethics as an Optics (2008), Philosophy's Moods: The Affective Grounds of Thinking (co-ed, I Ferber, 2011), Visage(s): Une autre éthique du regard après Levinas (2012), The Ethics of Visuality: Levinas and the Contemporary Gaze (2013).

Contemporary Chinese Art and Western Theory: The Question of Hospitality

Hagi Kenaan   

  1. the Department of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
  • Online:2015-03-25 Published:2015-06-17
  • About author:Hagi Kenaan, Ph.D. (Yale), is a professor at the Department of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, with research focuses on continental philosophy, phenomenology, aesthetics and philosophy of art. His many publications include The Present Personal: Philosophy and the Hidden Face of Language (2005), Emmanuel Levinas: Ethics as an Optics (2008), Philosophy's Moods: The Affective Grounds of Thinking (co-ed, I Ferber, 2011), Visage(s): Une autre éthique du regard après Levinas (2012), The Ethics of Visuality: Levinas and the Contemporary Gaze (2013).

摘要: 本文的关注点在于中国当代艺术与西方理论的关系,以哲学的而非历史的角度分析中国当代艺术。首先,本文以解构主义思维对于当代性的意味进行解析,提出当代性本质上意味着一种新的面向未来的取向、一种自我定位的方式。作者由此进入对于中国当代艺术的(非)界定,分析当代艺术与不同层面的关联,提出“好客”问题可作为论述中外主客关系的关键。在有关主客关系的论述中,首先从主体开始,进而以解构主义对主体的论述为基础梳理艺术中的凝视观念。这一独特的思路无疑使得本文具有较强的启发性。

关键词: 好客, 当代性, 当代中国艺术, 西方理论, 主体性, 他者

Abstract: The paper takes a philosophical instead of a historical perspective to look at contemporary Chinese art, concerned with the relationship between contemporary Chinese art and "Western" theory. In the attempt to articulate the relationship between contemporary Chinese art and "Western" theory, the paper proposes "the question of hospitality" as its approach to the issue, asking who exactly the host and the guest are and what kind of dynamics is suggests by a relationship of hospitality. It begins by proposing a brief sketch of a philosophical theme or dilemma that is supposed to be crucial for the development of "theory" in the 1980 and reflects on its relationship to developments in contemporary Chinese art. The paper maintains that the "contemporary" implies a new position, a new orientation in relation to the circumstances and events of the present.

Key words: hospitality, the contemporary, contemporary Chinese art, Western theory, subjectivity, the Other