
文艺理论研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 187-197.

• 专题:法国理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-03-25 发布日期:2024-06-12
  • 作者简介:谭成,文学博士,重庆工商大学文学与新闻学院副研究员,主要从事文学理论与美学研究。
  • 基金资助:

Alain Badiou on the Encounter of Love and Art: A New Materialist Poetic Perspective

Tan Cheng   

  • Online:2024-03-25 Published:2024-06-12
  • About author:Tan Cheng, Ph.D., is an associate researcher in the School of Literature and Journalism, Chongqing Technology and Business University, with research interest in literary theory and aesthetics.
  • Supported by:
    General Project of National Social Sciences Foundation (22BZW195) and the Humanity and Social Sciences Project of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission (21SKGH103).

摘要: 巴迪欧关于爱的理论包含着一个新唯物主义的诗学论题:从偶然性范畴出发思考爱与艺术的关系,以及考察两者在世界的“相遇”所具备的真实效应。这个论题的展开涉及对巴迪欧相关论述的整理和阐释,分为三个部分:一是阐明巴迪欧“爱是两的场景”命题的内涵,揭示其新唯物主义哲学的特征;二是明确艺术应该致力于发掘“爱的延续”的主题,从而生产出关于新世界的经验;三是强调在重建世界的目标上,爱与艺术能够借助“相遇”的力量结成“同盟”并介入政治实践。由于巴迪欧推进了浪漫主义通过爱与艺术的创造来弥合现代世界之分裂的构想,继承了阿尔都塞的“偶然唯物主义”将与事物“相遇”作为主体行动的基本立场,使得其愈发模糊艺术与政治的界限,从而在反全球资本主义的政治构想上呈现出浪漫化色彩。这正是当代西方激进左翼理论具有一种诗学上的吸引力,但其政治方案却饱受诟病的原因。

关键词: 巴迪欧, 新唯物主义, 偶然性, 爱, 艺术, 相遇

Abstract: Alain Badiou's theory of love encompasses a topic on new materialist poetics, which examines the relationship between love and art in the realm of contingency as well as explores the real effects of their “encounter” in the world. This analytical journey necessitates a detailed interpretation of Badiou's pertinent discussions, structured into three pivotal segments. Firstly, it clarifies the connotation of Badiou's proposition that “love is the scene of Two,” positioning this assertion within the broader spectrum of new materialist philosophy. Secondly, it delineates the imperative for art to delve into “the continuation of love”, thereby fostering experiences emblematic of a new world. Thirdly, it stresses that in reconstructing the world, love and art can form an “alliance” by harnessing the power of “encounters.” This perspective is enriched by an engagement with Althusser's concept of “aleatory materialism,” advocating for a Romantic project aimed at ameliorating the fissures within contemporary society through the creative interplay of love and art. This blurs boundaries between art and politics, resulting in a romanticized orientation within his political proposals against global capitalism. Such an orientation exemplifies the poetic allure inherent in contemporary Western radical leftist theory, notwithstanding the contentious reception of its political propositions.

Key words: Alain Badiou, new materialism, contingency, love, art, encounter