
文艺理论研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 114-125.

• 专题:晚清民国文学话语的跨界资源 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-03-25 发布日期:2024-06-12
  • 作者简介:常方舟,文学博士,上海社会科学院文学研究所副研究员,主要从事中国近代文学研究。

Legacy of Logic and Lexicon-Based Composition: Traditional Characteristics of Zhang Shizhao's Jiayin Literary Style

Chang Fangzhou   

  • Online:2024-03-25 Published:2024-06-12
  • About author:Chang Fangzhou, Ph.D., is an associate researcher in the Institute of Literature, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. Her research interest includes modern Chinese literature.

摘要: 在文学史的叙述中,章士钊的“甲寅文体”被称作“政论文”“逻辑文”“欧化的古文”,这些指称侧重从清末民初古典文章发生新变的角度揭示章文的写作特点。事实上,章士钊的文学观念深受章太炎的影响,在思维方式上汲取了墨学和《论衡》等传统学术思想资源,和近代西洋逻辑学存在目的悖反的倾向。在文学实践方面,章士钊倡导子学笔体的名家之文,并依托《甲寅》施行复归诸子之文的文体实验。伴随本土修辞学的兴起,章士钊奉行以词法为本位的文法修辞,展现了古典文学固有的修辞技巧。探究以章士钊“甲寅文体”为代表的应用类古文在新旧之间的变与不变,或为重新审视中国古典文章的杂文学属性提供更加本土化的视角。

关键词: 章士钊, 《甲寅》, 甲寅文体

Abstract: Zhang Shizhao's Jiayin literary style has been referred to as “political essays”, “essays of logic” and “Europeanized classical essays” in literary history. These terms highlight the characteristics of Zhang's writing against the backdrop of the evolving classical writing in the late Qing and early Republican periods. Indeed, Zhang Shizhao's concept of literature was deeply influenced by Zhang Taiyan, and his way of thinking drew from traditional academic thoughts such as Mohism and Wang Chong's Critical Essays, showing a contradictory inclination towards the objectives of modern Western logic. In terms of literary practice, Zhang Shizhao advocated for a prose style of the pre-Han philosophers, utlizing the magazine Jiayin as a platform to experiment with reviving this style. Concurrent with the emergence of rhetoric in the field of Chinese academic circle, Zhang Shizhao practiced lexicon-oriented grammatical rhetoric, demonstrating the inherent rhetorical finesse of classical literature. Examing the shifts and continuities within Zhang Shizhao's Jiayin literary style offers a localized perspective for re-evaluating the multifaceted literary attributes of classical Chinese texts.

Key words: Zhang Shizhao, Jiayin magazine, Jiayin literary style