
文艺理论研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 21-32.

• 中国特色社会主义文论话语体系研究·跨文化视野下的中西艺术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 发布日期:2024-06-12
  • 作者简介:吴攸,法国巴黎第七大学欧洲社会与文化博士,华东师范大学中文系教授,主要从事比较文学与跨文化研究、翻译研究。

“De-coincided” Aesthetic Divergence: François Jullien on Chinese Painting

Wu You   

  • Published:2024-06-12
  • About author:Wu You, Ph. D., is Professor in the department of Chinese language and literature, East China Normal University, China. Her research interest lies in the fields of comparative cultural studies and translation studies.

摘要: 法国当代哲学家、汉学家朱利安新近提出“去相合”的概念,称之为艺术得以畅活的动力源泉。他将“去相合”视为一个概念性的思考工具,以此打破人和事物因逐渐陷入“相符”而导致的贫瘠状态,开启新的可能性。就艺术创作而言,“去相合”意味着去除同质性因素,拆解使艺术趋于贫瘠的“相合”:一方面在欧洲内部反思以“相符”为核心的艺术传统;另一方面,也是更为重要的一条路径,是打开“间距”去外部追寻“未思”与“未闻”。为此,朱利安一以贯之地秉持“经由中国,反思欧洲”的外部观照路径,来到中国传统绘画之中寻找文化资源,去践行“去相合”的逻辑。他高度赞赏中国绘画所体现出的“道”,即由两极互动的“之间”而产生持续动力流转与勃勃生气,道家思想对二元统一的追求成为他反思欧洲美学传统的动力。朱利安的研究有别于此前西方文论中从“异域情调”或“东方主义”出发阐释中国问题的方法,而是开拓了一种对话主义的汉学研究路径。

关键词: “去相合”, 朱利安, 间距, 中国绘画, 中西对话

Abstract: François Jullien coins the term “de-coincidence” (dé-coïncidence), considering it a refreshing source for artistic creation. From this perspective, he reexamines the Western artistic tradition based on “representation” (adéquation), criticizes its lack of fruitfulness, and proposes the use of “divergence” (l'écart). To de-coincide, Jullien turns to traditional Chinese painting as a source of enlightenment, perceived as the “outside” (dehors). He highly extols Dao, namely the continuous bipolar interaction and transformation, and believes that the great harmony in Daoist thought is a driving force to reflect on the European aesthetic tradition. Jullien's work has sought to avoid exoticism and Orientalism, with the ambition of constructing a dialogic approach to the interpretation of Chinese issues.

Key words: de-coincidence, François Jullien, divergence, Chinese painting, dialogue between the East and the West