
文艺理论研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 179-188.

• 艺术史理论与文化研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京工业大学艺术设计学院传媒与艺术理论系
  • 出版日期:2020-09-25 发布日期:2020-09-27
  • 作者简介:高远,中央美术学院艺术学博士,清华大学艺术学理论博士后出站,北京工业大学艺术设计学院传媒与艺术理论系讲师,主要从事欧洲艺术史、现当代艺术理论、展览策划研究。

From Function to Semantics: History and Theories of the Picture Frame

Gao Yuan   

  1. Art Theory at the School of Art and Design, Beijing University of Technology
  • Online:2020-09-25 Published:2020-09-27
  • About author:Gao Yuan, Ph. D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Media and Art Theory at the School of Art and Design, Beijing University of Technology. Gao's research interests include art history of European and theories of contemporary art, also Curatorial Studies.

摘要: 画框作为连接艺术史和艺术理论边缘的关键元素,先天具有历史与理论的双重意义,其从形态到观念上的变迁,都与各种艺术史方法论及理论话语息息相关。本研究从一种形态和功能的历史变迁入手,结合一些理论家的论述,讨论了画框的生成与发展,尤其是其在艺术史领域的应用。本文涉及画框历史写作的传统与方法、模式与问题,并引入了20世纪以来的理论视角,论述了画框概念在视觉理论和批评领域的转向及其跨学科意义,试图梳理和澄清画框理论知识生成过程中的关键点。


画框, 功能, 艺术史, 跨学科


As a key element linking art history and art theory, the frame inherently has both historical and theoretical implications; its historical transformation, either in form or conceptualization, is inextricably linked to methodologies and theoretical discourses in art history. This study begins with the historical transformation of a form and its function, and discusses, combining the discourse of various theorists, the generation and development of the picture frame, especially its application to art history. It also introduces theoretical perspectives from the twentieth century on the shift and interdisciplinary significance of the concept of the picture frame in the field of visual theory and criticism, and embarks on sorting out and clarifying key points in the intellectual developments of picture frame theory.

Key words:

the picture frame, function, art history, the interdisciplinary