
文艺理论研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 195-205.

• 现当代文论与批评研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

文学的审美与意识形态——基于当代西方文论中“审美意识形态论” 的讨论


  1. 四川大学外国语学院
  • 出版日期:2020-07-25 发布日期:2020-07-30
  • 作者简介:汤黎,文学博士,四川大学外国语学院特聘副研究员,主要从事西方文论与英美文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Aesthetics and Ideology of Literature: A Discussion Focused on the Concept of Aesthetic Ideology in Contemporary Western Literary Theory

Tang Li   

  1. College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sichuan University
  • Online:2020-07-25 Published:2020-07-30
  • About author:Tang Li, Ph. D., is a distinguished associate researcher at the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sichuan University. Her research interests include Western literary theory and English literature.
  • Supported by:
    the National Social Sciences Fund (17BWW015)

摘要: 意识形态体现了权力运作的展开方式,其功能包括调和主体之间以及主体与社会之间的关系,其效应可存在于感性的个体体验和规训个体的霸权话语之间的差异中。文学在传达意识形态和支撑霸权秩序上起了不可替代的作用,与此同时也是逃离和超越霸权话语控制的重要途径。文学话语和文学实践均承担了审美话语和政治话语的双重功能,与此同时,亦需要在审美功能和意识形态功能之间保持平衡,以此来寻求审美价值与文化政治的融合途径。当前,在传统理性走向危机之时,西方文论界对审美意识形态论的持续重视表明,唯有通过深层和感性的个体经验,才能弥合个体意识与主流意识形态之间的差异,从而实现主体的权力话语,最终使主体获取心灵的解放力量。国内学界有关审美意识形态的讨论需要在注重审美和意识形态的物质性、日常生活审美化、主体建构等方面有所推进,才能在社会文化实践中有不竭生命力。

关键词: 意识形态, 审美, 日常生活审美化, 物质性, 审美意识形态

Abstract: Ideology embodies the deployment mode of power operation. Its functions include negotiating the relationships between subjects and between subjects and society, while its effects may lie in the difference between individual perceptual experience and individual-disciplining hegemonic discourse. Literature plays an indispensable role in conveying ideology and supporting hegemonic order, while it is also an important vehicle to break away from the control of hegemonic discourse. Literary discourse and practice bear the dual function of aesthetic and political discourse, but literature needs to take a balanced stance functioning aesthetically and ideologically so as to be accepted as a text with both aesthetic values and cultural political implications. At the time when traditional rationality is at stake, sustained emphasis of Western literary theory on aesthetic ideology implies that the discourse power and spiritual liberation of the subject can only be realized through individual deep perceptual experience that conciliate the differences between individual and mainstream ideologies. The argumentations on aesthetic ideology in China need to elaborate on the materiality of aesthetics and ideology, the aestheticization of everyday life, and the construction of subjecthood, so as to pursue the vitality of socio-cultural practices.

Key words: ideology, aesthetics, the aestheticization of everyday life, materiality, aesthetic ideology