
文艺理论研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 179-186.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-03-25 发布日期:2024-06-12
  • 作者简介:祁雁蓉,山西大学文学院中国古代文学专业在读博士生,主要从事中国文论与文学批评研究。

The Criticism of Ming Anthologies in the Perspective of the Qing Official Scholarship: A Study Based on the Ming Synopsis of A General Catalogue of The Complete Library of the Four Treasures

Qi Yanrong   

  • Online:2024-03-25 Published:2024-06-12
  • About author:Qi Yanrong, is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Chinese Language and Literature, Shanxi University. Her research interests include Chinese literary theory and literary criticism.

摘要: 《四库全书总目》明总集提要集中阐发了四库馆臣的明代选本批评观,其作为官修书目很大程度上可以代表清代官方的学术立场和政治态度。在清代统治者“明以门户亡国”的历史反思之下,《总目》明总集提要指斥明人喜结社、倡流派、立门户的习气,并认为是流派纷争和门户之见导致了明代选本批评的整体滑坡和倒退。参与编修《四库全书》的各级官员秉承上意,对涉及流派、门户、党争等敏感内容的明代选本采取了批评斥责、抽删改动、令行禁毁三种手段进行打压和肃清,很大程度上导致了明代选本批评在清代官学评价体系中的缺席和失语。总之,《总目》明总集提要作为政治偏见在文学批评上的具象表征,反衬出清代官方学术研究与现实焦虑并行交织的矛盾所在。

关键词: 清代官学, 《四库全书总目》, 明代选本批评, 流派批评, 门户批评

Abstract: The Ming synopsis of A General Catalogue of The Complete Library of the Four Treasures provides significant insights into Qing officials' perspectives on the criticism of the Ming anthology. As an official compilation, it largely represents the official scholarly and political stance of the Qing dynasty. As a result of the Qing rulers' historical reflection that the Ming dynasty fell from factionalism, the synopsis denounces the Ming scholars' tendencies towards forming societies, advocating schools and establishing factions. It attributes the overall decline and regression of Ming dynasty anthology criticism to disputes among literary schools and academic factions. Officials at all levels involved in the compilation of The Complete Library of the Four Treasures, following the directives from above, employed three methods, including criticism and denunciation, content editing, and censorship, to suppress and eliminate Ming dynasty anthologies that touched upon sensitive topics such as literary schools, academic factions, and political rivalries. This significantly contributed to the silence and even absence of Ming anthology criticism in the official evaluation system of the Qing dynasty. In short, as a tangible representation of political bias in literary criticism, the synopsis highlights the contradictions between Qing dynasty official academic research and contemporary anxieties.

Key words: official scholarship of the Qing dynasty, A General Catalogue of The Complete Library of the Four Treasures, Ming anthology criticism, genre criticism, factional criticism