
文艺理论研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 126-135.

• 专题:晚清民国文学话语的跨界资源 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-03-25 发布日期:2024-06-12
  • 作者简介:史伟,文学博士,河北人,上海外国语大学文学研究院教授,主要从中国古代文学、中国古代文学批评史研究。

Sublating, Inheriting and Integrating: The Evolution of Aesthetic Thought of Wang Guowei

Shi Wei   

  • Online:2024-03-25 Published:2024-06-12
  • About author:Shi Wei, Ph.D., is a professor at the Institute of Literature of Shanghai International Studies University. His main areas of studies are ancient Chinese literature and the history of ancient Chinese literary criticism.

摘要: 在王国维美学理论的形成过程中,其理论建构的意图、方式,理论结构、层次的设置,学理的介入等,都与其对康德、叔本华等西方哲学、美学的研习有着密切的、直接的关系。从《红楼梦评论》《文学小言》到《〈人间词〉乙稿序》再到《人间词话》,王国维美学经历了从立足于叔本华而糅合席勒美学,到立足叔本华糅合康德美学,再到立足于康德兼容叔本华美学的复杂过程。这是一个同时包含了扬弃与整合的过程。但至《宋元戏曲史》,王国维却开始逐渐抹去西学影响的痕迹。王国维的转变从一个侧面反映了他对西方理论观念、中国文学和理论自身特点,以及两者合洽性的反思和认识,此种反思包含的知识认知、选择的复杂性和创新性,理应成为学术史研究的重要命题。

关键词: 王国维, 美学, 演变, 康德

Abstract: In the development of Wang Guowei's aesthetic theory, his intentions and methods of theoretical construction, the establishment of theoretical structures and levels, and the incorporation of academic principles all exhibit a close and direct relationship with his examination of Kant, Schopenhauer and other Western philosophy and aesthetics. Wang Guowei's journey from Commentary on the Dream of the Red Chamber, A Word on Literature to Preface to the Second Draft of the Poetic Remarks in the Human World, and finally to Poetic Remarks in the Human World illustrates a complex process from reliance on Schopenhauer and integration of Schiller's aesthetics, to reliance on Schopenhauer and integration of Kant's aesthetics, and then to reliance on Kant and integration of Schopenhauer's aesthetics. This process involves both sublation and integration. However, with the writing of A History of the Dramas of Sung and Yuan Dynasties, Wang Guowei began to gradually diminish the traces of Western influence. His transformation reflects his reflection and understanding of Western theories and concepts, the characteristics of Chinese literature and theory, and the compatibility of the two. This reflection encompasses the complexity and innovation of knowledge cognition and choice, thereby constituting an important subject in the study of academic history.

Key words: Wang Guowei, aesthetic thought, evolution, Kant