
文艺理论研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 137-145.

• 古代文论及古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 香港岭南大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2023-09-21 发布日期:2023-09-23

Rethinking the Chinese Lyrical Tradition: A Study of the Evolving Concepts of Emotion in Traditional Chinese Poetics, As Inspired by Wordsworth's and T.S. Eliot's Opposing Views on Emotion

  1.  Princeton University and is chair professor Chinese literature at Lingnan University of Hong Kong
  • Online:2023-09-21 Published:2023-09-23

摘要: 本文借鉴华兹华斯、艾略特二人的情感说,系统梳理中国古代诗学情感说,找出以情与事、文、性三者互动关系为基础的理论框架,揭示古代抒情传统的真实面貌。先秦两汉哲学乃至《乐记》《毛诗序》对情的认识存在从负面向正面的转变,形成强调情与外界之关系并及诗歌道德政治作用的“情事说”。六朝时,《文心雕龙》等将情从具体生活中剥离,形成审美艺术化的“情文说”,并透视情文的生成过程,深化对情、象、言互动的认知。至唐代,情文说成为诗格著作的理论支撑。白居易则将裨补时阙之意咏之于歌,将诗歌美刺的历史想象变为一种社会批判行为,并肯定追求情文之美的闲适诗,演绎出新的“情事情文一体说”。宋代以降,情性关系成为诗学核心议题,催生各种“性情说”。历代文论中的情感说既有共性,又可分出个性明显的类别,而每一大类又包含不同时期出现的子类。在漫长的历史中,这些情感说在不同层次上交叠互动,彼此吸收改造,蓬勃发展,形成了一种体系庞大而细密、经久不衰的抒情传统。

关键词: 情感说; , 情事; , 情文; , 情性; , 抒情传统

Abstract: Inspired by the opposing views of emotion held by William Wordsworth and T. S. Eliot, this article establishes a new theoretical framework for examining the Chinese lyrical tradition, one that is grounded in emotion's interrelations with events, belletristic texts, and authorial disposition. Following the turn toward a positive review of emotion during the Han, a political event-oriented view of emotion emerged, as explicitly articulated in the “Preface to the Book of Poetry.” During the ensuing Six Dynasties period, emotion was reconceptualized as that of which refined literature is constituted. Critical attention was turned to the interaction of emotion with images and words in the process of literary creation. During the Tang dynasty, Bai Juyi engineered an integration of the Han politically focused view and the Six Dynasties belletristically focused views of emotion. While employing poetry as a means of political and social criticism, he took delight in composing works primarily for the sake of aesthetic pleasure. With the Song and Yuan critics, the author's disposition, often interpreted in moralistic terms, became the new focus of expositions on emotion. Taken together as a whole, expositions on emotion in traditional Chinese poetics attest to a highly coherent system of literary thought on emotion, characterized by the sharing of the common denominator of expressionism as well as the divergent emphasis on politics, aesthetics, and morality. As this system of literary thought continued to evolve over the millennia, it seems appropriate to regard it as a lyrical tradition in its own right.

Key words: Expositions on emotion; , emotion and political events; , emotion and belle lettres; , emotion and the authorial disposition; , lyrical tradition