
文艺理论研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 96-104.

• 本雅明研究专题 • 上一篇    下一篇

重释“散心”美学 ——从本雅明到克拉里


  1. 西安美术学院史论系
  • 出版日期:2020-11-25 发布日期:2020-12-16
  • 作者简介:张鹏,西安美术学院史论系艺术学理论专业在读博士生,主要从事西方视觉文化与艺术美学研究。

Reinterpreting the Aesthetics of "Zerstreuung": From Walter Benjamin to Jonathan Crary

Zhang Peng   

  1. Department of Art History, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts
  • Online:2020-11-25 Published:2020-12-16
  • About author:Zhang Peng is a Ph. D. candidate at the Department of Art History, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. His research areas cover Western theory of visual arts and aesthetics.

摘要: 本雅明与克拉里对“散心”概念的理解形成一个重要的对比。本雅明不但在资本主义的娱乐业中察觉出“散心”与资产阶级之间的联系。同时也在早期电影技术中发现“散心”与大众之间的无意识共谋,其表现为借助电影的蒙太奇手法对观者塑造一种“现时”(Jetztzeit)状态,使观众重新建构他们的历史意识;并且,这种建构是把个人经验转化为集体形式,赋予早期电影以审美的政治化潜能。反之,克拉里对“散心”概念的理解陷入一种预设式的线性价值判断之中,历史化了“注意力”概念,却把“散心”仅视为现代性生产的一部分而依附于“注意力”概念的整体性之中。

关键词: 散心, 本雅明, 早期电影技术, 注意力, 克拉里

Abstract: Walter Benjamin's and Jonathan Crary's respective understanding of the concept of "Zerstreuung" is in sharp contrast to each other. Benjamin detects not only a connection between "Zerstreuung" and the bourgeoisie in the capitalist entertainment industry, but also an unconscious collusion between "Zerstreuung" and the public in the early film technology. Such collusion has created a state of "Jetztzeit" for the audience by using the technique of montage in film, so that the audience could reconstruct their historical consciousness, which is transformed into a collective experience from that of the individual, thus assigning early cinema with the potential of politicizing aesthetics. In contrast, Crary's understanding of the concept of "Zerstreuung" falls into a type of judgment with presupposed values of linearity, which historicizes the concept of "attention", whereas refers to "Zerstreuung" as only a part of modern production integral to the concept of "attention".

Key words: Zerstreuung, Walter Benjamin, early film technology, attention, Jonathan Crary