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  1. 山东建筑大学艺术学院
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:张惠青,山东建筑大学艺术学院副教授,主要从事生态哲学与生态美学、可持续能源景观与景观美学、自创生空间与建筑空间美学研究。
  • 基金资助:

Three Dimensions of Ecological Aesthetics: Félix Guattari's Thought of "The Three Ecologies"

Zhang Huiqing   

  1. the School of Art of Shandong Jianzhu University
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Zhang Huiqing is an associate professor in the School of Art of Shandong Jianzhu University. Her main research areas are ecosophy and ecological aesthetics, sustainable energy landscapes and landscape aesthetics, and autopoietic space and architectural space aesthetics.

摘要: 加塔利的“三重生态学”思想立足于人类世时代人与自然关系的真实语境,基于伦理美学范式下的生态智慧思想,为生态美学做出了从“狭义”的自然生态维度向“广义”的“自然-社会-精神”三维合一模式的理论转向:自然生态维度建基于自然生态智慧,在机器式审美范式下彰显了自然生命进程和生态公平;社会生态维度建基于社会生态智慧,在群体爱欲原则下重建了人类社会和谐与社会公正;精神生态维度建基于精神生态智慧,在多元价值逻辑下重塑了精神价值体系并走向艺术化生存。三重生态维度在互动共生中走向“二律背反”,其中任何一个维度的展开,都会同时促进另外两个维度的完善,从而在外在生存环境和内在生命本体的“双向建构”中通达生态智慧,并最终实现人类生态的美学救赎。

关键词: 生态美学, 三重生态学, 生态智慧, 伦理美学范式, 审美装配, 主体性生产

Abstract: Based on the real context of human-nature relation in the epoch of the Anthropocene and the thought of ecosophy in the ethico-aesthetic paradigm, Félix Guattari's thought of "The Three Ecologies" leads to the theoretical transformation of ecological aesthetics from environmental ecological dimension in a narrow sense to a generalized ecological model composed of environmental, social and mental ecological dimensions. Based on environmental ecosophy, the environmental ecological dimension follows the machinic aesthetic paradigm and serves the purpose of presenting the natural process and ecological justice for all species. Based on social ecosophy, the social ecological dimension follows the group Eros principle and serves the purpose of reconstructing human social harmony and social justice for all peoples. Based on mental ecosophy, the mental ecological dimension follows the multivalent logic and serves the purpose of reshaping the incorporeal value system and stepping into aesthetico-existential process. The three ecological visions are three complementary headings which are situated in antinomies, and thus the reconquest of a degree of creative autonomy in one particular dimension encourages conquests in other two dimensions. Consequently, ecosophy is achieved by means of double reconstruction of the exterior living environment and the interior life ontology, and the aesthetic redemption of ecological crisis is realized in the end.

Key words: ecological aesthetics, The Three Ecologies, ecosophy, ethico-aesthetic paradigm, aesthetic assemblage, production of subjectivity