

文艺理论研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4) : 56-65.

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欢迎访问《文艺理论研究》, 2025年3月15日 星期六
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文艺理论研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4) : 56-65.


  • 刘紫云
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Scholars' Caps in Unoffical History of the Scholars: Rereading Details from a Holistic Perspective

  • Liu Ziyun
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This article studies descriptions of scholars' caps in Unoffical History of the Scholars and investigates how this seemingly trivial detail connects to plot structure and the ideology of the novel. By examining types of caps, this article points out that although the novel potentially deals with scholars of the Qing, when it comes to describing their costumes Wu Jingzi refers to costume rituals of the Ming so as to strictly fit in the background of the Ming. This article illustrates how Wu Jingzi weaves details about caps into two main types of plot concerning disorder and chaos among literati circles and their living conditions within the hierarchical imperial examination system. In conclusion, the cap not only plays a positive role in structuring plot but also is well organized in a holistic perspective to reflect Wu Jingzi's contemplation on Confucian rituals.


《儒林外史》 / 服饰 / 帽子 / 头衣 / 细节 / 体系

Key words

Unoffical History of the Scholars / caps / costume / details / holistic perspective


刘紫云 . 儒林“衣冠”与细节描写的体系化——以《儒林外史》为中心 [J]. 文艺理论研究, 2018, 38(4): 56-65
Liu Ziyun . Scholars' Caps in Unoffical History of the Scholars: Rereading Details from a Holistic Perspective[J]. Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, 2018, 38(4): 56-65


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