
文艺理论研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 201-208.

• 专题:解释学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 广州大学人文学院,广州大学文学思想研究中心
  • 出版日期:2018-05-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:肖建华,文学博士,广州大学人文学院、广州大学文学思想研究中心副教授,主要从事文艺理论和西方美学研究。
  • 基金资助:
    本文系国家社科基金青年项目“后期伽达默尔诠释学美学研究”[项目编号: 12CZX078]和广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划人才项目“现代西方倾听美学思想研究”[项目编号: Yq201408]的阶段性成果。

Critique of "Aesthetic Non-differentiation" Thought: Reflections and Transcendence in the Early Gadamer's Aesthetics

Xiao Jianhua   

  1. the College of Humanities and Institute of Literary Thought, Guangzhou University
  • Online:2018-05-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Xiao Jianhua, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the College of Humanities and Institute of Literary Thought, Guangzhou University. His major area of academic specialty are literary theory and western aesthetics.
  • Supported by:
    The National Social Science Fund ( No. 12CZX078) and the Training Plan for Excellent Young Teachers in Universities of Guangdong (No. Yq201408)

摘要: “审美无区分”概念提出的背景有二:从其思想背景来说,是对以康德为代表的主体性美学及其后继者天才美学、体验美学等美学思潮的批判;从其现实的艺术实践背景来说,是对所谓的“博物馆式艺术”的批判。“审美无区分”的理论实质指的就是强调整个生活世界及其所表征的存在真理的统一性和不可分。“审美无区分”概念的直接的主要的理论来源是对海德格尔的存在论思想的继承和发挥。对海德格尔存在论美学的误读导致“审美无区分”概念身上带有如审美观念的平面化、审美理解的静止化等理论缺陷。“审美无区分”是前期伽达默尔美学的核心概念,对该概念的反思和批判,其实就是对前期伽达默尔美学的反思和批判。对“审美无区分”的反思和批判给我们一个启示,即要在艺术与现实历史、审美与非审美之间保持一种既相同一又相区分的紧密张力。

关键词: 伽达默尔, 审美无区分, 审美区分, 海德格尔, 同一与差异, 张力

Abstract: There are two backgrounds when the concept of "aesthetic non-differentiation" is put forward. The background of thought is critique of Kant's subjective aesthetics and its successors, such as genius aesthetics and experience aesthetics. The real background of art practice is the critique of the so-called "museum-style art". The theoretical essence of "aesthetic non-differentiation" is the emphasis on the unity and non-differentiation of the whole life world and ontological truth as a representation of the life world. The directly and mainly theoretical source of "aesthetic non-differentiation" is Heidegger's ontological thought. The misreading of Heidegger's ontological aesthetics causes some theoretical defects in "aesthetic non-differentiation" itself, such as the superficially aesthetic thought, the statically aesthetic understanding. "Aesthetic non-differentiation" is a key concept in the early Gadamer's aesthetics. The reflection and critique of the concept is a reflection and critique of the early Gadamer's aesthetics in fact. The reflection and critique of "aesthetic non-differentiation" offer us the enlightenment that keeping an identical as well as differential tension is necessary between art and historical reality, and also between the aesthetic and the non-aesthetic.

Key words: Gadamer, aesthetic non-differentiation, aesthetic differentiation, Heidegger, identity and difference, tension