

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2017-11-25 发布日期:2017-10-18
  • 作者简介:汤志波,文学博士,华东师范大学中文系讲师,研究方向为明代文学文献。
  • 基金资助:

From Poetry to Ci: The Misunderstanding of Genre and Responses to "Jiangnan Spring" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

Tang Zhibo   

  1. the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at East China Normal University
  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-10-18
  • About author:Tang Zhibo, Ph.D., is a lecturer in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at East China Normal University. He main research interest is the study of the literature documentation of Ming Dynasty.
  • Supported by:
    This article is supported by the National Social Science Foundation (15CZW036).

摘要: 元末倪瓒作七言古诗《江南曲》与《江南春》,又将二者和钞称“《江南春》三首”赠友人。明弘治间以沈周为首的吴中文人开始追和《江南春》,按其音调视为两首整体追和,至嘉靖中期已有五十人参与并编刻成集。倪瓒原唱及沈周、文徵明等人的追和是诗非词,但嘉靖后明人对《江南春》的文体认识出现分歧,或入诗集,或入词集,情况不一。随着唱和过程中题材范围不断扩大,不再严格步韵以及题目与“词牌”的分离,清康熙间《江南春》已多被视为词一阕,而《倚声初集》《瑶华集》等词集编纂收录《江南春》,则起了推波助澜的作用。光绪间刊刻的《江南春词集》从书名与理论上巩固了其词体地位,民国间《明词汇刊》又据此收录,《江南春》被误认为词的过程至此完成。《江南春》的唱和与文体误读与明清词史、词学发展有着密切的关系。

关键词: 《江南春》, 倪瓒, 沈周, 诗词辩体, 自度曲

Abstract: Ni Zan, a famous poet living in late Yuan dynasty, wrote two seven-character ancient verses of "Southern Song" and "Jiangnan Spring". Then the two poems were merged into "Jiangnan Spring" and given to his friends as a present. Shen Zhou and other literati in the Wuzhong area began to follow the pattern of "Jiangnan Spring" during the Hongzhi period of the Ming dynasty, treating them as two tunes. During the period of Jiajing, fifty people were involved in the responses and an anthology was complied. The earliest works of Ni Zan and the following responsive verses by Shen Zhou and Wen Zhengming were in fact poetry. But in the Jiajing period of the late Ming dynasty, there were differences in understanding the genre, for some took it as poetry, and some as ci. With the expansion of subject matters, the use of rhyme was not strictly regulated, and the "subject" and "tune" were also separated. During the period of Kangxi in the Qing dynasty, "Jiangnan Spring" was regarded as ci, and its inclusion in ci collections such as Yishengchuji and Yaohuaji, facilitated the designation of "Jiangnan Spring" as ci. This situation was further enhanced by the Jiangnan Spring Collection printed in the Guangxu period. This was, again, taken as a matter of fact during the Republic of China in the book Collected Ming-Dynasty Ci-Poems. Because of all those incidents, "Jiangnan Spring" was completely mistaken as ci. The misunderstanding of "Jiangnan Spring"'s genre and following responses had much to do with the history of ci studies in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Key words: "Jiangnan Spring", Ni Zan, Shen Zhou, genre discrimination of shi and ci, self-created tunes