

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 斯坦福大学
  • 出版日期:2017-11-25 发布日期:2017-10-18
  • 作者简介:艾朗诺,斯坦福大学汉学讲座教授。1993年至2012年为加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校汉学教授。2012年至今为斯坦福大学汉学讲座教授。研究领域为宋代文学与文化,是《剑桥中国文学史》北宋部分的作者。

Exploring the Lives of Song Dynasty Women through Hong Mai's Yijianzhi

Ronald Egan   

  1. Stanford University
  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-10-18
  • About author:Ronald Egan is a professor of Sinology at Stanford University. From 1993 to 2012 he was a professor at the University of Califomia, Santa Barbara, and since 2012 he has been a Chair Professor of Sinology at Stanford. His research is on Song dynasty literature and culture. He is the author of the chapter on the Northern Song in the Cambridge History of Chinese Literature.

摘要: 《夷坚志》是宋代文人洪迈编撰的一部笔记小说。书中大多数故事是洪迈根据周围人的讲述记录下来的,因而洪迈认为这些故事具有真实性。本文借用英国汉学家杜德桥的看法,把这些资料视为通俗文学的一种现象。《夷坚志》里有很多故事以各式各样的女性为主角,是研究当时妇女生活很有价值的资料。本文提出运用这些故事的四个方面:(一)用以发掘没想到或在其它资料中看不到的女性生活细节;(二) 研究它与其他资料的异同;(三) 探讨故事后面的含意,尤其有关妇女情况的含意;(四) 思考怎么处理和理解一些晦涩而没有逻辑的故事。文中举例对这四方面进行了说明。

关键词: 《夷坚志》, 笔记小说, 宋代妇女, 通俗文学

Abstract: Yijianzhi is a collection of anecdotes and tales compiled by the Song dynasty literatus Hong Mai. Most of the stories it contains were transmitted orally to Hong Mai by people he knew. Consequently, Hong Mai believed the stories to be reliable accounts of events that had actually happened. This article follows the methods of the British Sinologist Glen Dudbridge in viewing such stories as belonging to medieval China's "vernacular culture." Many of Yijianzhi's stories feature one or another type of women as their protagonist, and so the collection is a valuable source for the study of women of that period. This article pursues four approaches to using these stories: (1) to discover in them aspects of women's lives that are little known and not revealed in other Song dynasty materials; (2) to find representations of women that are at odds with what we find in other materials; (3) to explore aspects of women's lives that the stories broach only in an indirect or suppressed manner; and (4) to reflect on ways to deal with and interpret unclear or illogical stories. Particular stories are discussed in each of these four categories.

Key words: Yijianzhi, anecdote collections and tales, Song dynasty women, vernacular culture