
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 138-144.

• 中西文论研究 • 上一篇    



  1. 香港岭南大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2012-05-25 发布日期:2012-08-31
  • 作者简介:郑蕾,香港岭南大学中文系博士候选人,现当代文学专业,主要从事民国期刊研究、香港文学研究。

Existentialism in Hong Kong: Reading from the Perspective of Mass Culture

Zheng Lei   

  1. the Chinese Department of Lingnan University, Hong Kong
  • Online:2012-05-25 Published:2012-08-31
  • About author:Zheng Lei is a Ph.D. Student in the Chinese Department of Lingnan University, Hong Kong. Her research interests cover modern Chinese Literature and the contemporary Chinese literature, with a focus on modern periodicals and Hong Kong literature.

摘要: 五十年代末,六十年代初,香港“存在主义”的风行对香港的现代主义运动而言是极为重要的促成因素和组成部分,不仅反映在铺天盖地的评论上,亦反映在创作中。香港对“存在主义”的引进与传播大受报刊文化生态的影响,主要人物和重要概念的诠释都因时而易,成为香港大众文化的流行符码。倡导现代主义的知识分子固然强调自身精英的立场,却在争夺话语权的同时不自觉卷入其中。此外,作为一种“大众文化”的“存在主义”,其叙述包含了彼时香港民众的集体想象,并于六十年代中后期暗示了这种想象的转变方向。

关键词: 存在主义, 大众文化, 符码, 精英姿态, 想象的共同体

Abstract: During the late 1950s and the early 1960s, the popularity of existentialism in Hong Kong played a significant role in the local modernism movement, which was represented in both criticism and literary works. The introduction and dissemination of existentialism in Hong Kong was much affected by the local environment of newspapers and the magazines. Representative figures became popular cultural icons, and their changing views brought about the changes in important concepts, which in turn changes the existentialism in Hong Kong. While holding their elite position, the intellects who advocated modernism were deeply involved into the current change through their contest for the right of discourse. The narrative of existentialism, manifested as one face of mass culture, contains the collective imagination of Hong Kong people and suggests the direction of future development since late 1960s. 

Key words: existentialism, mass culture, code, elite position, imagined community