

• 西方文论与美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华中师范大学外国语学院
  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-06-11
  • 作者简介:何卫华,文学博士,华中师范大学外国语学院教授、《外国语文研究》副主编,主要研究领域为西方文论、文化研究和流散文学。
  • 基金资助:

On the Possibilities, Construction, and Functions of Trauma Narratives

He Weihua   

  1. School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-06-11
  • About author:He Weihua, Ph. D., is Professor of English at School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University. He is also the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Foreign Language and Literature Research. His main academic interests are Western literary theory, Cultural Studies and diaspora literature.
  • Supported by:
    This article is supported by the Major Project of National Social Sciences Foundation (14ZDB087) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (CCNU19TD016).

摘要: 创伤事件留下的各种“踪迹”使得创伤叙事成为可能,此类叙事的功用不仅在于其具有强大疗治性功能,更在于其能烛照通往历史现场之曲径。近年来,创伤研究已不再局限于个体性创伤及其修复,而开始更多地聚焦于集体创伤。一旦集体创伤在某种文化中得到确认,不仅会影响个体对共同体的认同,同时还会影响共同体的塑造、维护和巩固。由于蕴藏于其中的巨大能量,集体创伤的表征因此必然是文化建构的结果,众多的权力关系都会参与其中。在剖析这一建构性的过程中,各种“他者”遭受的创伤开始显影,创伤研究由此成为批判殖民主义、父权制、战争、偏见和各种不合理制度安排的重要力量。

关键词: 创伤叙事, 再现, 建构性, 他者, 伦理

Abstract: Trauma narratives are made possible by the "traces" left by traumatic events. These narratives are not only therapeutic, but can also provide an access to historical reality. In recent years, critics begin to switch their attention from individual traumas to collective traumas. According to them, collective traumas not only affect people's identification with the community, but also play important roles in the formation, maintenance, and consolidation of the community. Due to the shaping influence of collective traumas, different forms of power are woven into the representation of trauma, making the representation of trauma a product of cultural construction. In the process, the traumas witnessed by "others" have now attracted the attention of critics, thus making the critique of colonialism, patriarchy, war, prejudices, and unjust social mechanisms an important task of trauma study which also demonstrates the ethical dimension of trauma study.

Key words: trauma narratives, representation, construction, the Other, ethics
