

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 苏州大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-06-11
  • 作者简介:罗时进,文学博士,苏州大学文学院教授,主要从事唐宋元明清诗文、地域与家族文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

Keywords in the Studies of Regional Literature: A Case Study of Jiangnan in the Qing Dynasty

Luo Shining   

  1. School of Chinese Language and Literature, Soochow University
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-06-11
  • About author:Luo Shijin, Ph. D., is a professor in the School of Chinese Language and Literature, Soochow University. His main academic area includes studies of poetry and prose of the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and the research on regional and family literature.
  • Supported by:
    the Major Project of the National Social Sciences Fund (18ZDA255).

摘要: 地域文学研究正在受到广泛重视,其合理性是毋庸置疑的。近年来这一领域所取得的成果丰硕,但也存在认知理路一致、表达方式近似、基本结论雷同等问题。地域文学研究往往隐含的价值预期,在很大程度上简化了思维过程,消解了学术意义。要改变地域文学研究的同质化倾向,研究者要注意对共同性的认识、对差异性的把握、对独特性的发现,而任何事件都发生于一定的地域空间,也要重视从事件视角拓展地域文学研究的可能。

关键词: 地域文学, 共同性, 差异性, 独特性, 事件视角

Abstract: The study of regional literature is attracting wide attention, which attests to its validity. Researches have flourished in this field in recent years, but problems have also arisen, such as similar or identical cognition, expression and conclusions between researches. The study of regional literature often has implicit value-orientation, which, to a large extent, tends to simplify the thinking process and undermine academic significance. In order to change the homogenizing tendency, researchers need to know commonalities, divergences, and particularities. Besides, as every event occurs in a specific geographical space, researchers should also value the possibilities of regional literature studies from the perspective of event.

Key words: regional literature, commonality, divergence, particularities, perspective of event
