

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 浙江师范大学江南文化研究中心
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:宋清秀,文学博士,浙江师范大学江南文化研究中心教授,主要从事明清女性文学与文献研究。

On the Classification and Significance of Poetry by Elegant Ladies in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

Song Qingxiu   

  1. the center for Jiangnan Cluture Studies, Zhejiang Normal University,
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Song Qingxiu, Ph. D., is a professor in the center for Jiangnan Cluture Studies, Zhejiang Normal University. Her main research academic interests is female literature and literature research in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

摘要: 闺秀诗可分为才女之诗、女史之诗、女士之诗三种基本文学类型。女史是能文之闺秀,女史之诗类似诗人之诗,“诗书名物,别有领会;山川花鸟,关我性情”,为“风雅之正传”,具有重要的文学价值。才女是能诗之闺秀,才女之诗类似才人之诗,凭借天赋而早慧,“角胜于当场”,令闻之者“惊奇仰异”。才大者如叶小鸾,为才女中卓越者;才小者亦因早夭或风流韵事而为世人所知,其文化价值大于文学价值。“操行贤明”、“明敏有决断、能识大体”而有士行的能文闺秀则称为女士,女士之诗类似学人之诗,因操行贤明而作品“取境特高”,特别是“兵乱中犹时以诗歌见志”而有令名。女士之诗承继了传统诗学的“诗以载道”的重任,使闺秀书写的正统性获得社会的认可,其社会价值大于文学价值。本文通过对闺秀诗三种基本文学类型的阐释,并以此为切入点进一步分析每种类型的文学内涵及诗学意义,可能对闺秀诗与闺秀诗学理论有一个新的认识。

关键词: 闺秀诗, 女史之诗, 才女之诗, 女士之诗

Abstract: Poetry by elegant ladies can be divided into three basic literary types, namely, Poetry by poetesses, by talented women, and by bluestockings. Poetry by poetesses is the most noteworthy group in the history of women's literature and has important literary value; Poetry by talented women is widely circulated in society because of authors' outstanding talent or legendary romance. Poetry by bluestocking takes over the important task of traditional poetics, emphasizing that "poetry is for conveying the truth". Therefore, the social value of this type of poems are greater than its literary value. By interpreting these three basic types, this article endeavors to further analyzes the literary connotation and poetic meaning of Poetry by elegant ladies in order to form a new understanding of such poems and relevant theories.

Key words: Poetry by elegant ladies, Poetry by poetesses, Poetry by talented women, Poetry by bluestockings