

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李舜臣, 高畅   

  1. 江西师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:李舜臣,文学博士,江西师范大学文学院教授,博士生导师,主要从事中国佛教文学研究。 高畅,江西师范大学文学院博士生,研究方向为中国佛教文学。
  • 基金资助:

Su Shi's Temple-Visiting Poems and the Progression of His Chan Enlightenment: with an Additional Discussion of Three Types of Northern Song Literati's Temple-Visiting Poetry

Li Shunchen, Gao Chang #br#   

  1. the School of Literature at Jiangxi Normal University
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Li Shunchen, Ph. D., is a professor in the School of Literature at Jiangxi Normal University, with research focused on Chinese Buddhist literature. Gao Chang is a Ph. D. candidate in the School of Literature at Jiangxi Normal University, with her major academic interest in Chinese Buddhist literature.
  • Supported by:
    the National Social Sciences Fund of China (14BZW085) , National Universities and Colleges' Classics Compilation Committee ( [2014] 097) , and the Jiangxi Province Key Project of Social Sciences Development

摘要: 苏轼平生行迹,几半天下,所至之处,尤喜游寺。所作游寺诗,集中在他外任或贬谪之时,即凤翔、杭州、黄州、岭南四个时期。苏轼这四个时期的游寺诗的书写旨趣、格调均呈现出不同的特征,颇为鲜明地反映了他禅悟的进阶,亦典型地体现出北宋文人游寺诗创作的三种类型,即纪实绘景型、阐理写心型、明心见性型。

关键词: 苏轼, 游寺诗, 禅悟, 进阶, 北宋

Abstract: Su Shi travelled extensively in China, with his particular interest in visiting temples. During his exiled and relegated periods, he composed a number of temple-visiting poems in places such as Fengxiang, Hangzhou, Huangzhou, and Lingnan. These poems manifest themselves in different literary tastes and aesthetic characteristics. They not only represent Su Shi's progress of Chan enlightenment but also embody the three paradigms of Northern Song literati's temple-visiting poetry, namely, realistic delineation of scenery, elaboration of truth and description of heart, and seeing the nature of mind.

Key words: Su Shi, temple-visiting poetry, Chan enlightenment, progression, the Northern Song Dynasty