

• 西方文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师大国际关系与地区发展研究院
  • 出版日期:2018-11-25 发布日期:2019-03-24
  • 作者简介:林精华,俄语语言文学博士,首都师范大学燕京学者、华东师大国际关系与地区发展研究院特聘教授和教育部重点研究基地俄罗斯研究中心研究员,主要从事俄罗斯问题、俄国文学批评及其与欧美文论之关系、文学理论与国际政治之关系等研究。
  • 基金资助:

International Politics of Literary Theory: A Study of Western Theory as Doctrines and a Discipline

Lin Jinghua   

  1. the School of Advanced International and Area Studies
  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2019-03-24
  • About author:Lin Jinghua, Ph.D., is a Yenching scholar at Capital Normal University, distinguished professor in the School of Advanced International and Area Studies, and research fellow of the Center for Russian Studies as a key research institute of humanities & social sciences in China at East China Normal University. His research focuses on Russian issues, Russian literary criticism and its relationship with European literary criticism, relationship between literary theory and international politics.
  • Supported by:
    This article is funded by the Major Project of National Social Sciences Foundation (14ZDB089).

摘要: 勒内·韦勒克和奥斯汀·沃伦的《文学理论》(1949年)刊行,标志着欧洲文学批评经由美国迅速转换为文学理论,即英国注重字词句细读的新批评转化为注重语义结构分析的美国新批评,发现并激活俄苏形式主义遗产,继而出现符号学、结构主义、阐释学、后结构主义和解构主义等;与这些在表述上显示出科学性的理论一道的是,法兰克福学派转化而成的马克思主义在欧美方兴未艾,伴随女权主义运动而来的女性主义、性别研究以及持续充满活力的新历史主义、后殖民批评和文化研究等以深刻批评资本主义若干问题著称的理论。但它们皆产生并兴盛于冷战岁月:此时苏联完善并强化一整套共产主义学说,美国主导下的“西方”为应对苏联反映论文艺学威胁,使原本只是个人经验性“文学批评”,转化为学科和课程体系的“文学理论”。由此,得益于冷战格局而兴盛起来的文学理论学科,就和不关乎冷战意识形态的具体文学理论常常冲突,有关文学批评的争议不断。但冷战以苏联及其反映论体系的失败而结束,西方文论也和“历史终结论”一样获得合法性。在后冷战时代,如何使这种饱受争议的理论合理扩展,成为近40年来西方文论界最为关心的话题,但“后理论”本身也充满着国际政治学考量。

关键词: 西方文论, 冷战, 学院制度, 政治学, 国际政治学

Abstract: The event of the publication of René Wellek and Austin Warren's Theory of Literature (1949) signals that European literary criticism was transformed rapidly into literary theory by American scholars. To be more specific, from then on, British New Criticism that emphasized close reading was replaced by American New Criticism that valorized analysis of semantic structure, and Russian formalism was rediscovered and reactivated in this process. Afterwards, more theoretical schools sprang up, such as semiotics, structuralism, hermeneutics, post-structuralism, deconstructionism, and so on. And along with the scientific literary theory, many other theories, like Western Marxist criticism, feminism, gender studies, new historicism, postcolonial criticism, and cultural studies in European and American academia, came out and flourished during the Cold War. At that time, the Soviet Union had established and reinforced a set of Communist theory. And in response to its reflection theory, U.S.-led "Western countries" turned "literary criticism" based on critics' individual experience into "literary theory" as a discipline with a curriculum system. Therefore, the discipline of literary theory, whose blossom was a result of the Cold War, and specific literary theory, unaffiliated with ideology of the war, were constantly in conflict with each other. And there was much controversy about literary criticism during the Cold War. But as the war ended with the upheaval of Eastern Europe and collapse of the Soviet Union, the theory of reflection failed, and Western literary theory, like "the end of history" theory, finally became legitimate in the process of globalization. It is a major concern for western theorists to develop the disputed theory in recent 40 years, but post-theories' dimension of international politics could not be ignored.

Key words: western literary theory, the Cold War, academic system, politics, international politics