

• 专题:古代小说新论 • 上一篇    下一篇


王进驹, 张玉洁

  1. 暨南大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2018-09-25 发布日期:2018-10-22
  • 作者简介:王进驹,文学博士,暨南大学文学院教授,主要从事中国古代文学研究。 张玉洁,暨南大学文学院博士研究生,主要从事中国古代小说研究。
  • 基金资助:

Narrative Function of the Description of Daily Meals in A Dream of Red Mansions

Wang Jinju, Zhang Yujie   

  1. School of Liberal Arts, Ji'nan University
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-10-22
  • About author:Wang Jinju, Ph.D., is a professor at the School of Liberal Arts, Ji'nan University. Zhang Yujie is a Ph.D. at the School of Liberal Arts, Ji'nan University.
  • Supported by:
    the National Social Sciences Fund of China (No. 13BZW080) 

摘要: 在红学史上,《红楼梦》的“吃饭”曾经是一个引起评论家关注的话题。《红楼梦》存在大量有关日常“吃饭”的描写,一类较简略,主要用作单纯的叙事方法,在叙事过程中起到引起、进行、过渡、收束等作用;一类较详细,同时作为叙事内容和叙事方法而存在,这类“吃饭”描写既是小说叙事内容的有机构成,本身包蕴着思想内涵,又作为叙事手段起着安排结构、组织情节和刻画人物等作用;从日常“吃饭”的描写还可探讨前八十回与后四十回写法上的差异。曹雪芹有意识地把“吃饭”作为家庭日常生活中的重要方面进行叙写,反映贵族家庭生活中的一些本质方面,体现出《红楼梦》在小说叙事上的探索与创新。

关键词: 《红楼梦》, 吃饭, 叙事方法, 叙事内容

Abstract: The narrative of meals in A Dream of Red Mansions has been a topic of concern to critics. Among the numerous descriptions about daily meals in the novel, some are simple, acting as narrative techniques such as introduction, development, transition and closure, and some are more specific, functioning as narrative techniques and narrative contents at the same time. As narrative contents, they provide ideological meaning and literary value. And as narrative techniques, they play important roles in structuring, plotting and characterization. By studying the narrative of meals, we could see the difference between chapters 1-80 and the rest of the chapters. Cao Xueqin consciously narrates and describes meals as an important aspect of the family's daily life, which, on the one hand, reflects essential aspects of the noble family, and on the other hand, reveals the exploration and innovation of A Dream of Red Mansions in the narration of fiction.

Key words: A Dream of Red Mansions, meals, narrative methods, narrative content