
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 97-105.

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 内蒙古大学文学与新闻传播学院
  • 出版日期:2017-09-25 发布日期:2018-10-17
  • 作者简介:鄢冬,文学博士,内蒙古大学文学与新闻传播学院讲师,主要从事新诗研究。

Disenchantment: Gu Cheng and Hai Zi in the Illusion of Cultural Memory

Yan Dong   

  1. School of Literature and Journalism in Inner Mongolia University
  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2018-10-17
  • About author:Yan Dong, Ph.D., is a lecturer of the School of Literature and Journalism in Inner Mongolia University. His research interest is Chinese new poetry.

摘要: 在中国新诗百年历程中,顾城与海子已经演变为当代记忆文化中不可或缺的文化符号,两者都具有一些记忆的共同点,持续地影响着后来读者的阅读兴趣,因此没有在碎片化的信息时代中被遗忘。然而他们身处文化记忆幻象中,并逐步成为新诗消费化、娱乐化的表征。同时,由于这种被杨·阿斯曼称之为“凝聚性结构”的象征体系的形成,使得两者诗文本与文本之外的因素混杂在一起,从而难以分辨,影响了大众的判断和接受。假象的被接受不等同于深层认同。顾城与海子所形成的“凝聚性结构”亟需被整理并突破,从而赢得一种精确的阐释。从诗歌文本的有意抬高到日常生活的神化,文学与日常生活经验互相渗透,诗人形象被不断演绎。以文化记忆为视角切入两人文化记忆共同点的内部从而“去魅”,有利于读者对于两人的认识回归到诗歌本体层面,从而真正让海子和顾城回归到地平线。

关键词: 文化记忆, 共同点, 功能记忆, 凝聚性结构

Abstract: In the history of Chinese new poetry since a century ago, Gu Cheng and Hai Zi have become a cultural memory symbol indispensable to contemporary culture. Their similarities in people's memory continue to affect later readers' interest, which gives them an enduring position in the age fragmented with information. However, being in the cultural memory illusion, they gradually reveal how new poetry becomes an object of consumerism and entertainment. At the same time, because of the function of the symbol system called "condensed structure" by Jan Assmann, factors within and without their poetry are mixed together and indistinguishable, which affects the popular judgment and reception. Due to the intentional elevation of their poetry and the deification of their daily life, literature and life experience merge into each other, and the image of the poets is continuously reinterpreted. Acceptance of illusion, however, is not equivalent to deep-rooted identification. The "condensed structure" of Gu Cheng and Hai Zi have to be reinvestigated for an accurate interpretation of their poetry. From the perspective of similarities of cultural memory, there must be "disenchantment" to bring readers back to their poetry, and to bring the poets back to the world.

Key words: cultural memory, universals, functional memory, condensed structure