
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 182-186.

• 美学与文化研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 福建社会科学院文学研究所
  • 出版日期:2017-05-25 发布日期:2018-01-24
  • 作者简介:郑海婷,文学博士,福建社会科学院文学研究所助理研究员,主要从事西方当代文学理论研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Aesthetic Regime of Art and the Construction of Its Politics: on Jacques Rancière's Aesthetic Thoughts

Zheng Haiting   

  1. the institute of Literature, Fujian Academy of Social Sciences (Fuzhou 350025, China)
  • Online:2017-05-25 Published:2018-01-24
  • About author:Zheng Haiting, Ph.D., is an assistant researcher in the institute of Literature, Fujian Academy of Social Sciences (Fuzhou 350025, China), with main academic interests in the study of Western contemporary literary theory.

摘要: 朗西埃不满意将艺术变成纯生活和将艺术变成纯艺术的两种现代主义模式,他力图去发现隐藏在这种二元对立中的内在张力,主张艺术应该在这两极的张力空间中自由游戏,把这个张力空间打造成为“无分之分”的歧义剧场。现代主义美学革命的要义就在于使原先被排除在外的部分也进入文学,诸如不为整体故事服务的细节、不听作者安排的人物,这些不服从的部分以自身的坚硬存在打破了既定的感受性体制,文学的政治于焉发生。

关键词: 雅克·朗西埃, 美学体制, 歧义, 感性分配, 文学的政治

Abstract: Jacques Rancière is not satisfied with the two modes of modernism, namely turning art into mere life or into pure art. He endeavors to reveal the hidden tension between this binary opposition, maintaining that art should play freely within this binary tension space and make the tension space a dissensus theatre of the part of no part. The essential of aesthetic revolution of modernism lies in recognizing and receiving the previous excluded parts of literature, such as details drifted away from the integrated story, characters detached from the writer's arrangement, which challenge the given distribution of the sensible with its solid existences. The politics of literature thus occurs.

Key words: Jacques Rancière, aesthetic regime, disagreement, distribution of the sensible, the politics of literature