
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 44-50.

• 专题:文学人类学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国社会科学院外国文学研究所
  • 出版日期:2012-03-25 发布日期:2012-08-30
  • 作者简介:唐卉,中国社会科学院外国文学研究所助理研究员,文学博士,主要从事比较文学、古希腊神话及日本文学研究。

The Genealogical Evolution of Apollo's Images

Tang Hui   

  1. the Chinese Academy of Social Sicences (Beijing 100732, China)
  • Online:2012-03-25 Published:2012-08-30
  • About author:Tang Hui, Ph D., is an assistant research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sicences (Beijing 100732, China). Her research interests cover comparative literature, Greek myths and Japanese literature.

摘要: 具有小亚细亚背景的阿波罗神在希腊神话再造过程中演化出多重身份,并与希腊本土太阳神赫利俄斯发生置换与混同。荷马和赫希俄德讲到的太阳神还是赫利俄斯,阿波罗为射手神,医神和乐神(文艺之神);希罗多德《历史》则将赫利俄斯排除在奥林波斯十二主神之外,让少壮派神灵阿波罗登堂入室;公元前五世纪的悲剧作家称阿波罗为太阳神,并将其神谕视为不可抗拒的天命;在泛希腊化时代,阿波罗的太阳神地位已不可动摇;在米利都学派和苏格拉底的言论中,阿波罗已向理性之神的方向发展。本文探讨如下问题:作为起源古老而又经过不断再造的一位重要神灵,外来的阿波罗是如何在希腊本土逐步取代赫利俄斯而登上太阳神宝座的?他在古希腊各历史时期的身份转变体现出怎样的时代文化特点?从阿波罗神话的再造过程中透露出哪些历史的、悲剧的和哲学的信息?

关键词: 阿波罗, 文艺之神, 太阳神, 理性之神, 神话历史

Abstract: The minor-Asiatic background enabled Apollo to take on multiple identities in the reconstruction process of Greek myths. Appolo's image was initially displaced and equated with the Sun-God Helios. The Sun-God in Homer and Hesiod' works was still Helios while Apollo was the god of hunting, medicine and music (the god of literature and art). The Histories of Herodotus excluded Helios from the main twelve gods of Olympus, and made the young god Appolo take a higher position in heaven. Tragedy playwrights before 500 BC. called Apollo the Sun-God, regarding his oracles as the moira which cannot be altered or resisted. In Hellenic age, the position of Apollo as the Sun-God was unshakable. In the literatures of Miletus school and Socrates, Apollo is turned into the god of reason. This paper tries to delineate how the initially alien god Apollo, with an initially alien background, takes place the former Sun-God Helios during the reconstruction process, to examine what sociocultural features the transformation of Apollo's identities demonstrate during different periods in ancient Greek history, and to explore what significances the remaking of the Apollo myth implies for Greek tragedies, history and philosophy.

Key words: Apollo, the god of literature and art, the Sun-God, the god of reason, mythohistory