
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 190-195.

• 美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 沈阳大学文化传媒学院
  • 出版日期:2013-09-25 发布日期:2014-01-22
  • 作者简介:阎丽杰,沈阳大学文化传媒学院教授,沈阳大学满族文化研究所所长,从事文艺学研究。

Manchu Shamanist Mythology and Ecological Aesthetics

Yan Lijie   

  1. the School of Media Culture of Shenyang University
  • Online:2013-09-25 Published:2014-01-22
  • About author:Yan Lijie is a professor at the School of Media Culture and the director of Manchu Culture Research Institute of Shenyang University (Shenyang 110044, China), with research interest in the study of literature and art.

摘要: 满族传统的渔猎文化和自然环境有着多维度的融合关系,萨满神话以万物有灵论为其哲学基础,以其原始诗性思维尊奉自然、敬畏自然,对话自然,隐含了人类在生态系统中的位置和状况,因而较早地具有了生态美学的维度。满族萨满教推崇天地合一,万物有灵,物我混融,万物同亲。在满族萨满教神话中,人类与自然互动,并与自然万物有一种血亲关系。萨满沟通天地神人,实现了海德格尔所说的天地神人的“四方游戏”,因而,满族萨满神话的创作体现了生态美学的特点。

关键词: 满族, 萨满神话, 生态美学

Abstract: Manchu traditional culture of fishing and hunting has maintained a relation of harmonic multi-dimensional coexistence with its natural environment. Shamanic mythology has an animistic philosophical foundation with a primitive poetic thinking, holding nature in awe and veneration. Through constant communication with nature, the human beings are situated in the ecological system, and this means that Manchu life had an ecological aesthetics dimension since early. Manchu shamanism advocates animism, the unity of heaven and earth, and the identity of object and self. In shamanic mythology, the human interacts and keeps a kinship with the nature. Shamans communicate with the human and God, which may be understood as Heidegger's "quartet game" between the human and God, and Manchu shamanic mythology exhibits the characteristics of ecological aesthetics.

Key words: Manchu, shamanic mythology, ecological aesthetics