
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 64-86.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 美国凡萨学院
  • 出版日期:2013-09-25 发布日期:2014-01-22
  • 作者简介:刘皓明,博士,南京大学外国语学院特聘研究员,美国凡萨学院终身教授,学术专长为文学理论、中西比较文学、德国浪漫派诗歌、观念论哲学、罗马诗歌、西方现代诗歌,以及中国中古与现代文学。最新著作包括《荷尔德林后期诗歌集》(汉译,华东师范大学,2013),《小批评集》(南京大学,2011)以及《贺拉修<赞歌集>翻译与集解》(即出)。

Penglai, Cinnabar, and the Great Roc: The Presence of Daoism in Du Fu's Poetry

Liu Haoming   

  1. Vassar College, USA
  • Online:2013-09-25 Published:2014-01-22
  • About author:Haoming Liu, Ph.D., is a guest researcher in Nanjing University, China, and an associate professor and chair in Vassar College, USA, with academic expertise in literary theory, comparative poetics, German Romantic poetry and idealistic philosophy, and medieval and modern Chinese literature. His most recent publications include Friedrich Hölderlin: Poems and Fragments from Years 1800-1807 (Chinese translation, 2013), Critica Minora: Collected Essays on Literature and Culture (Nanjing U.P., 2011), and Horace's Carmina: A Complete Chinese Translation with Commentaries (forthcoming).

摘要: 杜甫旧有诗圣之称,本文则讨论其诗歌所体现的与道家的元素与其生平中与道家的关系。文章首先揭示杜甫对道家为唐代立国之教的态度及其对朝廷的道家色彩的想象;其次讨论杜甫的道家信仰与实践,尤聚焦于其与金丹论的关系;最后,文章勾画其晚年出川入湘后诗歌中所体现的因循《庄子》之说而生的自我变化。

关键词: 杜甫, 道家, 唐诗, 金丹, 变化

Abstract: This paper challenges the traditional stereotype of Du Fu as poet-sage by investigating his relationship to Daoism as is reflected in his poetry and in his life. It first discusses Du Fu's subscription to Daoism as a state ideology promoted by the Tang rulers and his representation of the court in Daoist paradisiacal imagery. It then moves to a discussion of the significance of Daoism to Du Fu as a personal faith and practice, with particular attention paid to his relationship with the doctrine of gold cinnabar. Finally, it investigates the nature and the meaning of the metamorphosis of the poetic self according to patterns set up in Zhuang-zi in his poetry written mostly in Hunan.

Key words: Du Fu, Daoism, Tang poetry, Gold Cinnabar, Metamorphosis