
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 166-172.

• 西方文论与美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华中师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2013-07-25 发布日期:2013-08-29
  • 作者简介:胡亚敏,博士,华中师范大学文学院教授、博士生导师,主要研究方向为文学批评、马克思主义文论、比较文学及叙事学。 肖祥,华中师范大学文学院博士研究生,主要研究方向为文学批评、马克思主义文论。

Mutiple Faces of "The Other"

Hu Yamin, Xiao Xiang   

  1. School of Chinese Language and Literature, Huazhong Normal University
  • Online:2013-07-25 Published:2013-08-29
  • About author:Hu Yamin, Ph.D., is a professor at School of Chinese Language and Literature, Huazhong Normal University, with research interests covering literary criticism, Marxist literary theory, comparative literature, and narratology. Xiao Xiang, is a Ph.D. Candidate at School of Chinese Language and Literature, Huazhong Normal University, with research interests covering literary criticism, Marxist literary theory.

摘要: “他者”是当代西方批评理论中的一个重要关键词。本文基于语境原则,通过探讨“他者”在柏拉图和黑格尔哲学、现象学—存在主义、后结构主义以及后殖民批评和女性主义中的不同用法和内涵,指出“他者”是一个关系概念,存在于两组关系之中,一为同一(One)/同者(Same)与他者(Other);一为自我(Self)/主体(Subject)与他者(Other),有时后一组关系为前一组关系的具体表现。同时“他者”体现出三种不同的属性,即差异性、从属性和建构性,这三种属性又紧密联系在一起,在不同的语境中侧重有所不同。只有仔细辨别“他者”在不同领域中的具体用法和不同所指,才能更好地理解此概念及相关理论,进而挖掘和运用其中可供借鉴的思想资源。

关键词: 他者, 现象学—存在主义, 后结构主义, 后殖民批评, 法国女性主义

Abstract: "The other" is one of the most important key words in contemporary Western literary criticism. This paper puts the term in context and explores its different uses and connotations in Plato and Hegel's philosophy, phenomenology-existentialism, post-structuralism as well as in postcolonial criticism and feminism. The paper points out that "the other" is a relational concept and exists in two groups of relationships. One is the relation between the One/Same and the Other, and the other is the relation between the Self/Subject and the Other. The latter may be the specific display of the former. "The other" has three closely connected attributes of differentiality, subsidiarity and constitutivity, with different emphases in different contexts. The paper cautions that fuller understanding of the concept and the theory about it may be reached only through differentiated interpretations of the usages and meanings of the term in different contexts before the theorization of the concept can become a cultivatable resources.

Key words: the Other, phenomenology-existentialism, post-structuralism, post-colonial criticism, French feminism