
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 90-100.

• 会议专辑:中外文论传统与范式转型 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2013-05-25 发布日期:2013-06-25
  • 作者简介:陈雪虎,博士,北京师范大学文学院教授,主要从事文艺理论、现代文论研究。

The Locality of Theory: Name, Reality, History and Position

Chen Xuehu   

  1. the School of Liberal Arts, Beijing Normal University
  • Online:2013-05-25 Published:2013-06-25
  • About author:Chen Xuehu, Ph.D., is a professor in the School of Liberal Arts at Beijing Normal University, with research interest in literary theories.

摘要: 本文试图从名实、脉络及当代问题数端探讨所谓理论和文学理论在当代社会的位置和效用。当代中国不少学人仍以文学活动为纯个人感性之精神活动,而无法正视文学活动的社会性内涵及其当代结构性,不能同情理解理论反思之于文学的现实意义。本文在澄清相关误区,梳理相关脉络的基础上,提出当代文学理论的研究应重视承传百年文论传统,突破实证主义、历史主义和种种惯习,从而在对文学活动的现象学理解中,接通唯物主义和辩证法,使理论或批评活动与当代实践相结合,形成理论的自觉。

关键词: 理论, 西方文论脉络, 中国现代文论, 实践, 位置

Abstract: This paper attempts to discuss from the aspects of name, reality, mainstream and related contemporary issues the social position and role of the so-called theory and literary theory in China. Scholars still tend to take literary activities as purely personal perceptions and ignore the social connotations and its structuration, with the result of failure to understand the position and role of theoretical reflection on literature's social significance. This paper hopes to clarify some of the misunderstanding and delineate the related contextual issues before drawing the conclusion that contemporary theory should inherit Chinese theoretical tradition developed in the 20th century, break through the conventional thinking in the positivism and historicism, and connect theoretical criticism with contemporary practice to cultivate the theoretical consciousness.

Key words: theory, main currents of Western literary theories, contemporary Chinese literary theory, practice, locality