
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 103-111.

• 现当代文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南开大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2013-03-25 发布日期:2013-05-01
  • 作者简介:刘俐俐,南开大学文学院教授,文艺学专业,主要从事文学理论与批评研究。电子邮箱:liul

An Anthropological Reflection on Lu Xun's Old Tales Retold

Liu Lili   

  1. the School of Liberal Arts, Nankai University
  • Online:2013-03-25 Published:2013-05-01
  • About author:Liu Lili is a professor at the School of Liberal Arts, Nankai University (Tianjin 300071, China). Her research focuses on literary theory and criticism.

摘要: 本文旨在从跨学科视野出发,就鲁迅《故事新编》中的故事与小说做人类学思考。首先,指出鲁迅看重故事,且看重古代典籍中的老故事,并创造性地将典籍故事放入新编故事中以获得作者所要的意义。其次,鲁迅既借用典籍又突破典籍的束缚,将若干个典籍材料相互组合使用以“新编”故事,且具小说艺术特性。再其次,从中国小说发展的虚拟一脉来看,《故事新编》是我国从神话到传说,经先秦寓言,再经唐宋传奇和明清《西游记》《聊斋志异》等至现代的代表,可用传奇文体概括之。为了实现传奇体小说的奇幻特性,鲁迅在小说人物、情节、古今语汇夹杂、时空倒错等方面做了大胆尝试。最后,从《故事新编》意义发生方式考察,得出此作的特殊文本程式,导致文本没有阐释边界、属各时代读者、意义多向等特性,这正是后现代意义发生的方式。鲁迅《故事新编》借如上艺术的创造性,显示出讲述和倾听(书写和阅读)故事,是人类的本能性现象,故事始终蔓延和传递于口头与作家文学中,人类借对意义的需求与故事始终相伴。

关键词: 《故事新编》, 小说, 人类学, 后现代, 意义发生方式

Abstract: This paper takes an interdisciplinary perspective and tries to present an anthropological reflection on the stories in Lu Xun's Old Tales Retold. For Lu Xun, the stories were important, especially the old stories in the ancient classics, and he creatively rewrote the classical stories to get across what he wanted to convey. In his rewriting, Lu Xun combined materials from many classics so as to make the retold stories take on artistic features of creative stories. Lu Xun's Old Tales Retold merged well into the development of fiction writing in Chinese literary history, which evolved from the antique myth and tale, the pre-Qin fables, the legendary tales of the Tang and Song Dynasties, the novel of Ming and Qing Dynasties to the modern times. Lu Xun's Old Tales Retold was written in the style of legendary story and he experimented in characterization, plot, diction, and narrative time-space sequence in narrative. From the perspective of meaning gestation, Old Tales Retold shows unique textual features which lead to the opening up of the interpretative horizon, the expanding of the audience to all ages, and multiple dimensions of signification. These methods of meaning gestation are essentially postmodern in nature. By way of these methods, Lu Xun demonstrated in Old Tales Retold that story- telling and listening (writing and reading) is an inbuilt desire in human beings and that story has always been the vehicle for man's need for meaning.

Key words: Old Tales Retold, story, anthropology, postmodern, methods of meaning gestation