
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 51-56.

• 专题:文学与思想史 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2013-03-25 发布日期:2013-05-01
  • 作者简介:张辉,北京大学中文系教授,博士生导师。

An Exposition of Zhu Xi's "Preface to Annotations to The Book of Songs"

Zhang Hui   

  1. the Department of Chinese, Peking University
  • Online:2013-03-25 Published:2013-05-01
  • About author:Zhang Hui is a professor in the Department of Chinese, Peking University.

摘要: 目前我们看到的《诗集传序》并非为通行本《诗集传》所撰写,而是朱熹此前为其“失败之作”《诗集解》写的序言。本文通过分析这一处于朱熹思想转折期的过渡性文本,试图揭示此序与《诗序》——《大序》、《小序》的对话关系。在展开《诗集传序》与其他相关文本内在联系的基础上,本文认为,朱熹所做的内在改变主要体现在三个方面。其一,有意将人性(“性”“欲”)置于汉儒的“风”“教”之先;其二,以理学悄然置换汉儒的经学;其三,通过刻意强调“以诗说诗”“将本文熟读玩味”,试图把《诗经》的解释权重新交还给每一个读者。正是在上述意义上,《诗集传序》乃是《诗经》解释传统由政治解释转向文学解释的重要标志之一。

关键词: 诗经解释学, 诗教, 文本, 政治, 人性

Abstract: Zhu Xi (1130-1200) had written three prefaces to The Book of Songs. His "Preface to Annotations to The Book of Songs" was not intended for the book it prefaced but for the aborted earlier book Collected Interpretations of The Book of Songs. This preface was not the later "Prefaces to The Book of Songs," which were generally referred to as The Bigger Preface and The Smaller Preface. The present paper takes "Preface to Annotations" as a transitional critical text in Zhu Xi's thought and tries to explore the dialogic relationship between this preface and the Bigger and Smaller Prefaces. The paper argues that three aspects can be seen in internal change in Zhu Xi's thought concerning the criticism of The Book of Songs. First, the interpretive perspective of human nature (instinct and desire) was placed before the perspectives of social mores and moral teaching maintained by Han dynasty Confucian scholars. Secondly, the perspective of Neo-Confucianism is taking over the perspective of Confucian classic hermeneutics. Finally, Zhu Xi highlighted the tradition of interpreting poetry with poetry and tasting the literariness of the text, and therefore empowered the reader with the interpretative right. The paper claims that the above mentioned changes of critical perspective found in Zhu Xi's "Preface to Annotations to The Book of Songs" imply a shift from political interpretation to literary interpretation in the hermeneutics of The Book of Songs.

Key words: hermeneutics of The Book of Songs, Religeon of Poetry, text, politics, human nature