
文艺理论研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 1-9.

• 中国特色文论话语体系研究 •    下一篇



  1. 江西师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2020-11-25 发布日期:2020-12-16
  • 作者简介:赖大仁,文学博士,江西师范大学文学院教授,主要从事当代文学理论与文学批评研究。
  • 基金资助:
    国家社科基金重点项目“近40年文学理论问题论争研究与文献整理”[项目编号: 19AZW002]、江西省社会科学规划重点项目“新时期文论四十年变革发展与理论反思”[项目编号: 18WX01]

The Progressive Logic of Contemporary Literary Theory and Its Theoretical Reflection

Lai Daren   

  1. College of Liberal Arts in Jiangxi Normal University
  • Online:2020-11-25 Published:2020-12-16
  • About author:Lai Daren, Ph. D., is a professor of the College of Liberal Arts in Jiangxi Normal University. His research areas include literary theory and literary criticism. Address: the College of Liberal Arts, Jiangxi Normal University, 99 Ziyang Avenue, Nanchang 330022, Jiangxi Province, China.
  • Supported by:
    Key Project of the National Social Sciences Foundation of China (19AZW002) and the Key Project of Jiangxi Social Sciences Program (18WX01)

摘要: 从学术史角度看,当代文论变革发展及其演进逻辑并不是简单的直线性推进,而是颇为复杂的螺旋型循环演进,具体而言构成了三轮即三个阶段的破、引、建交织互动的变革发展。当代文论的外在发展轨迹与内在演进逻辑,从表层结构方面看,与处于历史大变局中的社会文化结构有关,也与近百年来中国现当代文论的变革发展相呼应;从深层结构方面看,反映了文学研究内与外关系维度上的辩证运动和演进逻辑。一是凸显了“文学论”的关系维度,关涉对文学特性与功能的理解以及文学内部规律与外部规律的认识;二是凸显了文论资源的内外关系维度,关涉内承传统与外引资源之间的关系问题。对当代文论变革发展的理论反思,关涉破、引、建三个方面的目标指向和所要解决的主要问题,其中的经验教训值得我们认真总结。

关键词: 当代文论, 变革发展, 演进逻辑, 理论反思, 历史启示

Abstract: From the perspective of history of scholarship, contemporary literary theory does not transform or develop in a simple linear fashion, but rather evolves in a more complex spiral cycle, which specifically constitutes three rounds of transformation and development, namely, the three reciprocal stages of breaking established traditions, introducing foreign theoretical resources, and constructing new critical ideas and forms. The external track of development and internal logic of progress of contemporary literary theory are, on the surface, related to the social and cultural structure in the context of grand historical changes, and echoes the developments of modern Chinese literary theory in the past century. Viewed from its core, the development of contemporary literary theory reveals the dialectical relationship and progressive logic of the internal and the external in literary studies. First, it foregrounds the relational dimension of "literary theory," which involves the understanding of literary characteristics and functions, as well as the understanding of the internal and external laws of literature. Second, such development highlights the relational dimension of internal and external literary theory resources, that is, the relation between the inheritance of internal traditions and the reception of external resources. Theoretical reflections upon the reform and development of contemporary literary theory engage studies of the goals and major inquiries during the three stages, the experience and lessons of which are worth exploring.

Key words: contemporary literary theory, reform and development, progressive logic, theoretical reflection, historical illumination