

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中山大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-06-11
  • 作者简介:彭玉平,文学博士,中山大学中文系教授,研究方向为古代诗文与诗文批评,侧重词学研究。
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Kuang Zhouyi's Monthly Lessons for the Annotation of Cheng Meng'an's Ci-Poems: A Summary Review

Peng Yuping   

  1. Chinese literature at Sun Yat-sen University.
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-06-11
  • About author:Peng Yuping, Ph. D., is a professor of Chinese literature at Sun Yat-sen University. His research mainly focuses on ancient Chinese poetry and poetry criticism.
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摘要: 学词是词学要义之一,修订与批点因此成为学词中非常重要的一环,作者自窜自订与师友彼此研讨则是主要的两种方式。清末民初,年轻人私淑名家习词成为一种风尚,这也因此催生了改词实践和改词理论的成熟,况周颐堪称是其中的代表。今存况周颐批点陈蒙庵癸亥甲子年填词月课,正贯穿了其改词理论和方法,在正律、改字、改句、改句段的基础上,进一步就换意和提升词境、格调等问题作了多方面的示范。况周颐并在修择之余以批点、命题等方式引导陈蒙庵词学思想的发展。在新文化运动风起云涌的20世纪20年代,况周颐对陈蒙庵填词月课的批点不仅是以个人方式努力延续旧文体的生命,也是当时旧文化阵营共同心愿的反映。

关键词: 况周颐, 陈蒙庵, 填词月课, 吴梦窗

Abstract: Learning how to compose ci-poems was an essential part of ci-poetry study. Therefore, revision and annotation played a very important part in ci-poetry learning, which was mainly conducted in two ways: the author's self-revision and discussion with teachers and friends. During the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, it was a fashion among young people to study ci-poems personally with a master, and thus the practice and theory of ci-poetry revision matured. A representative master in this period was Kuang Zhouyi. His monthly lessons for the revision of Cheng Meng'an's ci-poems in 1923-1924, which are still extant, reflect his theory and method of ci-poetry revision. Based on correcting meters, and altering words and sentences, Kuang Zhouyi demonstrated how to further improve on themes, poetic conceptions and styles. Meanwhile, Kuang Zhouyi guided the development of Cheng Meng'an's thoughts on ci-poetry by way of annotation and topic assignments besides his revision. In the 1920s, when the New Culture Movement was surging, Kuang Zhouyi's monthly revision lessons for Cheng Meng'an's ci-poems was not only his personal effort to perpetuate the life of the old literary genre but also a reflection of the common aspiration of the camp upholding traditional Chinese culture back at that time.

Key words: Kuang Zhouyi, Chen Meng'an, monthly lessons for ci-poetry revision, Wu Mengchuang
